Every single Cheat in the Game

Sims 4 Cheats: The Complete List

Status: Released
Release: 02/2014
Update: 2021-09-16
Game version: The Sims 4 with all Expansions and Game Packs

How do I enhance a particular skill? How can a Sim comfortably reach highest level in his career? Which cheats are available for a specific Sims 4 Expansion and how do I make my Sim a ghost? In our complete cheat collection you will find all cheats for the basic game as well as all Expansions of The Sims 4.

  • Cheatlists marked with a blue bar can be opened by clicking on the bar. Longer lists are initially collapsed for better readability. for complete views of the tables on mobile devices please swipe to the left.

In this extensive Cheat Collection for The Sims 4 you will find

  • General Cheats on graphics and mechanics of the game
  • Money Cheats and Cheats for Build Mode
  • Cheats on Motives and Relationships of your Sims
  • Cheats on Traits, Careers and Skills
  • Cheats on Death Types and the transformation into Occults
  • Cheats to all Expansions and Game Packs of Sims 4

Update Log




Sims 4 Cheats Activation: How to activate the Cheat Console

Before you can use Sims 4 Cheats, you must first open the cheat console of your gaming platform. Most of the Sims 4 Cheats have to be unlocked by entering “testingcheats true” (or “testingcheats on” for consoles). Enter the desired cheat in the cheat row and confirm with ENTER. Close the Cheat Console by pressing the same key combination you used to open it.

  • PC / Mac: press simultaneously STRG + Shift + C
  • PlayStation 4: press simultaneously R1 + R2 + L1 + L2
  • Xbox One: press simultaneously LB + LT + RB + RT

General Cheats

aspirations.complete_current_milestoneCompletes the sim’s current active aspiration milestone.
fps on/offShows game’s frames per second
fullscreenToggle fullscreen/windowed mode
helpList of all normal cheats in cheat mode
headlineEffects on/offEnables or disables headline effects and plumbob.
household.autopay_bills true/falseEnables or disables automatically paid bills for your active family.
hovereffects on/offEnables/disables the white hover effects around sims and objects.
resetSim FirstName LastNameResets your active sim (use full name!).
objects.consumables_infinite_toggleMakes all consumeables have infinite quantities (for example infinite potions or food).
object.setasheadUse “testingcheats true/on” and this cheat, click SHIFT+left mouse button on an object and use “set as head” to equip the item as your active sim’s head (useful to debug stuck items).
sims.fill_all_commoditiesFill all motives of all sims.
stats.fill_commodities_householdFill all motives of all sims in a household.
sims.give_satisfaction_points XSets the amount of yor active sim’s satisfaction points to amount X.
testingcheats true / onEnables the use of more cheats in your game.
ui.toggle_silence_phoneDisables/enables your sim’s smartphone sound.

Money Cheats

kachingGives your sim family 1.000 $.
rosebudGives your sim family 1.000 $.
motherlodeGives your sim family 50.000 $.
money XGives your sim family X amount of money (only with “testingcheats true/on” active).
sims.modify_funds +/- XAdd or withdraw X amount of money of your familys account.
FreeRealEstate onEvery home is free of charge when typed while shopping for a new house.
Two Sims establishing a relationship in a blooming garden in Sims 4
You can make friends between two Sims much faster with a cheat. © EA

Sims 4 Cheats: Relationships

relationships.Create_Friends_For_SimSpawns a sim on your active lot with 50% friendship status with your active sim. (Friendship level: Friend)
relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_othersYour active sim knows everyone in the game world . (Friendship level: Acquaintances)
Modifyrelationship FirstName FamilyName Sim1 FirstName FamilyName Sim2 100 Friendship_MainSim1 and Sim2 are now best friends (use complete names!).
Modifyrelationship FirstName FamilyName Sim1 FirstName FamilyName Sim2 100 Romance_MainSim1 and Sim2 are soulmates if they have a full friendship bar too (use complete names!).
Modifyrelationship FirstName FamilyName Sim1 FirstName FamilyName Sim2 -100 Friendship_MainSim1 and Sim2 become enemies (use complete names!).
modifyrelationship SimFirstName SimFamilyName AnimalFirstName AnimalFamilyName 100 LTR_SimToPet_Friendship_MainSets the friendship bar of the chosen sim and animal to max level.
modifyrelationship SimFirstName SimFamilyName AnimalFirstName AnimalFamilyName -100 LTR_SimToPet_Friendship_MainSets the friendship bar of the chosen sim and animal to minimum level.

Sims 4 Cheats: Motives / Needs

For all Sims 4 Cheats on Sim Needs “testingcheats true” (PC/MAC) or “testingcheats on” (console) must be enabled. If you click on your Sim with Shift + Left Mouse Button, you will also get the options to make your Sim happy or to enable/disable the Need Dacay.

Motive / NeedCheat
Fill all motives of all sims.sims.fill_all_commodities
Bladderfillmotive motive_Bladder
Energyfillmotive motive_Energy
Hungerfillmotive motive_Hunger
Hygienefillmotive motive_Hygiene
Funfillmotive motive_Fun
Socialfillmotive motive_Social

Build Mode Cheats

bb.moveobjects onIgnores object placement rules and enables nearby placing. Lower or lift items with the use of 0-9 keys.
STRG `Increase object’s size.
STRG [Decrease object’s size.
bb.showhiddenobjectsEnables buy debug mode and adds extra objects.
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlementUnlock all career reward items (including styled rooms).
bb.showliveeditobjectsUnlocks a lot of extra world environment objects to your game after using the bb.showhiddenobjects cheat.
bb.enablefreebuildEnables the possibility to edit the Hospital, Police Station and Science Lab (Get to Work), Magic Headquarter (Realm of Magic) and all secret lots.
Several Sims in living room of a Tiny House in Sims 4
With cheats you get completely new possibilities in Build Mode. © EA

Sim Traits Cheats

Cheats for Sim Traits

Sims can only have a total of three traits at the same time – like when you create a Sim in “Create-A-Sim” mode. If you want to change the existing traits of your active Sim, first remove existing traits. Replace the word “equip” with “remove” for the corresponding cheat. Example: With “traits.equip_trait clumsy” you give your Sim the trait “Clumsy”, with “traits.remove_trait trait_clumsy” you remove it again.

  • As in Create-A-Sim mode, it is not possible to assign conflicting personality traits simultaneously. For example, “Lazy” and “Active” are mutually exclusive, as are “Cheerful” and “Gloomy” and so on!

Cheats for all Sim Traits

ActiveSims 4traits.equip_trait active
AdventurousSnowy Escapetraits.equip_trait trait_adventurous
AmbitiousSims 4traits.equip_trait ambitious
Animal EnthusiastCottage Livingtraits.equip_trait animalenthusiast
Art LoverSims 4traits.equip_trait artlover
BroSims 4traits.equip_trait trait_bro
BookwormSims 4traits.equip_trait bookworm
Cat LoverCats and Dogstraits.equip_trait catlover
CheerfulSims 4traits.equip_trait cheerful
ChildishSims 4traits.equip_trait childish
Child of the OceanIsland Livingtraits.equip_trait trait_childoftheocean
ClumsySims 4traits.equip_trait trait_clumsy
Commitment IssuesSims 4traits.equip_trait commitmentissues
CreativeSims 4traits.equip_trait trait_creative
Dance MachineGet togethertraits.equip_trait dancemachine
Dog LoverCats and Dogstraits.equip_trait doglover
EvilSims 4traits.equip_trait trait_evil
Family OrientedSims 4traits.equip_trait familyoriented
FreeganEco Lifestyletraits.equip_trait trait_freegan
FoodieSims 4traits.equip_trait foodie
GeekSims 4traits.equip_trait geek
GeniusSims 4traits.equip_trait trait_genius
GloomySims 4traits.equip_trait trait_gloomy
GluttonSims 4traits.equip_trait trait_glutton
GoodSims 4traits.equip_trait trait_good
GoofballSims 4traits.equip_trait goofball
Green FiendEco Lifestyletraits.equip_trait trait_greenfiend
Hates ChildrenSims 4traits.equip_trait hateschildren
High MaintenanceSpa Daytraits.equip_trait highmaintenance
HotheadedSims 4traits.equip_trait hotheaded
InsaneSims 4traits.equip_trait insane
InsiderGet togethertraits.equip_trait insider
Island AncestorsIsland Livingtraits.equip_trait islandancestors
JealousSims 4traits.equip_trait jealous
KleptomaniacSims 4traits.equip_trait kleptomaniac
Lactose IntolerantCottage Livingtraits.equip_trait lactoseintolerant
LazySims 4traits.equip_trait trait_lazy
LonerSims 4traits.equip_trait trait_loner
Loves OutdoorsSims 4traits.equip_trait lovesoutdoors
MakerEco Lifestyletraits.equip_trait trait_maker
MaterialisticSims 4traits.equip_trait materialistic
MeanSims 4traits.equip_trait trait_mean
Music LoverSims 4traits.equip_trait trait_musiclover
NeatSims 4traits.equip_trait trait_neat
OutgoingSims 4traits.equip_trait outgoing
ParanoidStrangerVilletraits.equip_trait paranoid
PerfectionistSims 4traits.equip_trait perfectionist
ProperSnowy Escapetraits.equip_trait trait_proper
Recycle DiscipleEco Lifestyletraits.equip_trait trait_recycledisciple
RomanticSims 4traits.equip_trait romantic
SelfabsorbedGet famoustraits.equip_trait selfabsorbed
SelfassuredSims 4traits.equip_trait selfassured
SlobSims 4traits.equip_trait slob
SnobSims 4traits.equip_trait snob
SqueamishOutdoor Retreattraits.equip_trait squeamish
UnflirtyCity Livingtraits.equip_trait unflirty
VegetarianCity Livingtraits.equip_trait vegetarian

Traits from the Rewards Store

The traits from the Rewards Store are usually purchased in exchange for Reward Points. These are obtained by fulfilling Aspirations or Whims of your Sims and completing Holidays (Seasons). Cheating is quicker, of course: Simply enter the desired amount of Reward Points in the “X” of the “sims.give_satisfaction_points X” cheat after you have enabled “testingcheats true” (PC/MAC) or “testingcheats on” (console).

  • No more Whims displayed in your Sims 4 game? Enable “Show Whims” in the Gameplay options.

Rewards Store Trait Cheats

Always WelcomeSims 4traits.equip_trait AlwaysWelcome
AntisepticSims 4traits.equip_trait Antiseptic
BeguilingSims 4traits.equip_trait Beguiling
BraveParanormal Stufftraits.equip_trait Brave
CarefreeSims 4traits.equip_trait Carefree
Cold AcclimationSeasonstraits.equip_trait ColdAcclimation
ConnectionsSims 4traits.equip_trait Connections
Creative VisionarySims 4traits.equip_trait CreativeVisionary
EntrepreneurialSims 4traits.equip_trait Entrepreneurial
FertileSims 4traits.equip_trait Fertile
Forever FreshSims 4traits.equip_trait ForeverFresh
Forever FullSims 4traits.equip_trait ForeverFull
Free ServicesSims 4traits.equip_trait FreeServices
FrugalSims 4traits.equip_trait Frugal
Great KisserSims 4traits.equip_trait GreatKisser
Great StorytellerOutdoor Retreattraits.equip_trait GreatStoryteller
Gym RatSims 4traits.equip_trait GymRat
Hardly HungrySims 4traits.equip_trait HardlyHungry
Heat AcclimationSeasonstraits.equip_trait HeatAcclimation
HeatproofSeasonstraits.equip_trait BurningMan
IceproofSeasonstraits.equip_trait IceMan
Incredibly FriendlyOutdoor Retreattraits.equip_trait IncrediblyFriendly
IndependentSims 4traits.equip_trait Independent
MarketableSims 4traits.equip_trait Marketable
MemorableSims 4traits.equip_trait Memorable
MentorSims 4traits.equip_trait Mentor
Morning SimSims 4traits.equip_trait MorningSim
Needs No OneSims 4traits.equip_trait NeedsNoOne
Never WearySims 4traits.equip_trait NeverWeary
Night OwlSims 4traits.equip_trait NightOwl
ObservantSims 4traits.equip_trait Observant
Paranormal InvestigatorParanormal Stufftraits.equip_trait trait_Freelancer_Career_ParanormalInvestigator_License
Professional SlackerSims 4traits.equip_trait ProfessionalSlacker
SavantSims 4traits.equip_trait Savant
Seldom SleepySims 4traits.equip_trait SeldomSleepy
ShamelessSims 4traits.equip_trait Shameless
SincereSims 4traits.equip_trait Sincere
Speed CleanerSims 4traits.equip_trait SpeedCleaner
Speed ReaderSims 4traits.equip_trait SpeedReader
Steel BladderSims 4traits.equip_trait SteelBladder
Storm ChaserSeasonstraits.equip_trait StormChaser
Stoves and Grill MasterOutdoor Retreattraits.equip_trait StovesAndGrillsMaster
Super Green ThumbSims 4traits.equip_trait SuperGreenThumb
Waterproof SimSeasonstraits.equip_trait Waterproof

Cheats to Traits caused by Aspiration Groups

If you choose an Aspiration for your Sim, they will receive the bonus trait that matches the Aspiration Group until the Aspiration is fulfilled and the respective Aspiration Reward Trait (see below) appears. Without Sims 4 Cheats, it is not possible to actively use multiple Aspiration Group Traits on your Sim.

TraitAspiration GroupCheat
AlluringLovetraits.equip_trait Alluring
Animal AttractionAnimaltraits.equip_trait Attraction
Business SavyFortunetraits.equip_trait Business_Savvy
CollectorNaturetraits.equip_trait Collector
DastardlyDeviancetraits.equip_trait Dastardly
DomesticFamiliytraits.equip_trait FamilySim
Essence of FlavorFoodtraits.equip_trait EssenceOfFlavor
GregariousPopularitytraits.equip_trait Gregarious
High MetabolismAthletictraits.equip_trait High_Metabolism
Home TurfLocationtraits.equip_trait HomeTurf
MuserCreativitytraits.equip_trait Muser
Quick LearnerKnowledgetraits.equip_trait Quick_Learner

Bonus Traits due to completed Aspirations

In general, your Sims can accumulate as many rewards in-game by fulfilling Aspirations as you like. Especially traits like “Long Living”, “Laid Back” or ” Handy” make it easier for you to progress in careers or other Aspirations.

Cheats to all Bonus Traits due to completed Aspirations

Angler’s TranquilityAngling AceSims 4traits.equip_trait AnglersTranquility
AppraiserCuratorSims 4traits.equip_trait Appraiser
A True MasterMaster VampireVampirestraits.equip_trait TrueMaster
BelovedFriend of the WorldSims 4traits.equip_trait Legendary
Calming AuraZen GuruSpa Daytraits.equip_trait calmingaura
Clear PerspectiveInner PeaceSpa Daytraits.equip_trait ClearPerspective
CompanionSoulmateSims 4traits.equip_trait EternalBond
ExpressionisticPainter ExtraordinaireSims 4traits.equip_trait Expressionistic
Fresh ChefMaster ChefSims 4traits.equip_trait FreshChef
HandyNerd BrainSims 4traits.equip_trait TheKnack
Hero of StrangerVilleStrangerVille MysteryStrangerVilletraits.equip_trait HeroOfStrangerville
Heroic PresenceParagon of HopeJourney to Batuutraits.equip_trait HeroicPresence
HilariousJoke StarSims 4traits.equip_trait Hilarious
I am the MasterVampire FamilyVampirestraits.equip_trait TheMaster
Influential IndividualEco InnovatorEco Lifestyletraits.equip_trait trait_
In The KnowCity NativeCity Livingtraits.equip_trait InTheKnow
Laid BackBeach LifeIsland Livingtraits.equip_trait trait_BeachBum_
Long LivedBodybuilderSims 4traits.equip_trait Longevity
MastermindPublic EnemySims 4traits.equip_trait Mastermind
Master MixerPurveyor of PotionsRealm of Magictraits.equip_trait trait_Nature_
Matriarch/PatriarchBig Happy FamilySims 4traits.equip_trait PaMatriarch
Melt MasterGrilled Cheese (Hidden)Sims 4traits.equip_trait MeltMaster
Muse of the MakerMaster MakerEco Lifestyletraits.equip_trait trait_mastermaker
Museum PatronArchaeology ScholarJungle Adventuretraits.equip_trait Trait_Archaeology
Nature ConversationalistCountry CaretakerCottage Livingtraits.equip_trait trait_Nature_Country
Natural LeaderLeader of the PackGet togethertraits.equip_trait ClubPresident
NaturalistFreelance BotanistSims 4traits.equip_trait OneWithNature
Perfect HostParty AnimalSims 4traits.equip_trait PerfectHost
PiperMusical GeniusSims 4traits.equip_trait Piper
PlayerSerial RomanticSims 4traits.equip_trait trait_Player
PoeticBestselling AuthorSims 4traits.equip_trait EpicPoet
Potion MasterMaster MixologistSims 4traits.equip_trait PotionMaster
ProfessorialRenaissance SimSims 4traits.equip_trait Chronicler
Regained HumanityGood VampireVampirestraits.equip_trait RegainedHumanity
Role ModelSuper ParentParenthoodtraits.equip_trait SuperParent_RoleModel
Sacred Knitting KnowledgeLady/Lord of the KnitsNifty Knitting Stufftraits.equip_trait trait_SacredKnittingKnowledge
Self-Care ExpertiseSelf-Care SpecialistSpa Daytraits.equip_trait selfcareexpertise
ShrewdFabulously WealthySims 4traits.equip_trait Invested
Sleight of HandGalactic PrivateerJourney to Batuutraits.equip_trait SleightOfHand
Slinger of SpellsSpellcraft & SorceryRealm of Magictraits.equip_trait trait_Knowledge_
Supreme AuthorityEnforcer of OrderJourney to Batuutraits.equip_trait SupremeAuthority
Survival InstinctExtreme Sports EnthusiastSnowy Escapetraits.equip_trait trait_survivalinstinct
SurvivalistOutdoor EnthusiastOutdoor Retreattraits.equip_trait Survivalist
ThriftyMansion BaronSims 4traits.equip_trait ValuedCustomer
TormentorChief of MischiefSims 4traits.equip_trait Bane
Treasure HunterJungle ExplorerJungle Adventuretraits.equip_trait Trait_JungleExplorer
Unstoppable FameWorld Famous CelebrityGet Famoustraits.equip_trait UnstoppableFame
VicariousSuccessful LineageSims 4traits.equip_trait LivingVicariously
WebmasterComputer WhizSims 4traits.equip_trait Webmaster
Worldy KnowledgeMt. Komorebi SightseerSnowy Escapetraits.equip_trait trait_worldlyknowledge
World Renowned Actor/ActressMaster Actor/ActressGet Famoustraits.equip_trait WorldRenownedActor

Career and Skill Bonus Traits

Champion of the PeopleCivil DesignerEco Lifestyletraits.equip_trait trait_championofthepeople
Charismatic CroonerSalarypersonSnowy Escapetraits.equip_trait trait_corporateworker_charismaticcrooner
Friend of the SeaConservationistIsland Livingtraits.equip_trait FriendOfTheSea
Eco EngineerCivil DesignerEco Lifestyletraits.equip_trait trait_ecoengineer
Legendary StaminaSalarypersonSnowy Escapetraits.equip_trait trait_corporateworker_legendarystamina
Natural SpeakerConservationistIsland Livingtraits.equip_trait NaturalSpeaker
FizzyheadJuice FizzingEco Lifestyletraits.equip_trait trait_fizzyhead

Child Bonus Traits

Physically GiftedRambunctious ScampSims 4traits.equip_trait PhysicallyGifted
Creatively GiftedArtistic ProdigySims 4traits.equip_trait CreativelyGifted
Mentally GiftedWhiz KidSims 4traits.equip_trait MentallyGifted
PfadfindereignungScoutSeasonstraits.equip_trait ScoutingAptitude
Socially GiftedSocial ButterflySims 4traits.equip_trait SociallyGifted

Sims 4 Cheats: Skills

When it comes to Skills, the game differentiates between main Skills, which you increase to Skill Level 10, and secondary Skills, which you increase to Skill Level 5. The only exception is the Skill “Vampire Lore” from the Game Pack “Vampires”, which you can even increase to Level 15! In our Cheats List, you’ll find Cheats that will give you the maximum level of the Skill you want – if it’s a lower Skill Level, just change the number to the desired value.

  • To use Skill Cheats, “testingcheats true” (PC/MAC) or “testingcheats on” (consoles) must be enabled.

Adult Skills

Your Sims learn most Skills by interacting with an object or performing a specific activity. You can see your progress on Skills you have learned in the Skills Tab at the bottom right of the screen. However, you can only see how well your Sims master hidden Skills when you use them!

Cheats to all Sims 4 Skills for Adults

ActingGet Famousstats.set_skill_level major_acting 10
ArchaeologyJungle Adventurestats.set_skill_level major_archaeology 10
BakingGet to Workstats.set_skill_level major_baking 10
BartendingSims 4stats.set_skill_level major_bartending 10
BowlingBowling Nightstats.set_skill_level skill_bowling 5
CharismaSims 4stats.set_skill_level major_charisma 10
ComedySims 4stats.set_skill_level major_comedy 10
Cross-StitchCottage Livingstats.set_skill_level Skill_CrossStitch 5
DancingGet togetherstats.set_skill_level minor_dancing 5
DJ MixingGet togetherstats.set_skill_level major_dj 10
DogtrainingCats and Dogsstats.set_skill_level skill_dog 5
FabricationEco Lifestylestats.set_skill_level major_fabrication 10
FishingSims 4stats.set_skill_level major_fishing 10
FitnessSims 4stats.set_skill_level major_fitness 10
Flower ArrangingSeasonsstats.set_skill_level adultmajor_flowerarranging 10
GardeningSims 4stats.set_skill_level major_gardening 10
Gourmet CookingSims 4stats.set_skill_level major_gourmetcooking 10
GuitarSims 4stats.set_skill_level major_guitar 10
HandinessSims 4stats.set_skill_level major_handiness 10
HerbalismOutdoor Retreatstats.set_skill_level major_herbalism 10
Homestyle CookingSims 4stats.set_skill_level major_homestylecooking 10
Juice FizzingEco Lifestylestats.set_skill_level minor_juicefizzing 5
KnittingNifty Knitting Stuffstats.set_skill_level AdultMajor_Knitting 10
LogicSims 4stats.set_skill_level major_logic 10
MaintenanceGet to Workstats.set_skill_level retail_maintenance 5
Media ProductionGet Famousstats.set_skill_level minor_mediaproduction 5
MediumParanormal Stuffstats.set_skill_level minor_medium 5
MischiefSims 4stats.set_skill_level major_mischief 10
PaintingSims 4stats.set_skill_level major_painting 10
ParentingParenthoodstats.set_skill_level major_parenting 10
PhotographyGet to Workstats.set_skill_level major_photography 10
PianoSims 4stats.set_skill_level major_piano 10
Pipe OrganVampiresstats.set_skill_level major_pipeorgan 10
ProgrammingSims 4stats.set_skill_level major_programming 10
Retail SalesGet to Workstats.set_skill_level retail_sales 5
Research and DebateDiscover Universitystats.set_skill_level major_research 10
RoboticsDiscover Universitystats.set_skill_level major_robotic 10
Rock ClimbingSnowy Escapestats.set_skill_level major_rockclimbing 10
Rocket ScienceSims 4stats.set_skill_level major_rocketscience 10
Selvadorian Local CultureJungle Adventurestats.set_skill_level minor_localculture 5
SingingCity Livingstats.set_skill_level major_singing 10
Skating (hidden)Seasonsstats.set_skill_level Hidden_Skating 5
SkiingSnowy Escapestats.set_skill_level major_skiing 10
SnowboardingSnowy Escapestats.set_skill_level major_snowboarding 10
Treadmill (hidden)Fitness Stuffstats.set_skill_level Skill_Hidden_TreadMill 5
Vampire LoreVampiresstats.set_skill_level vampirelore 15
VeterinarianCats and Dogsstats.set_skill_level major_vet 10
Video GamingSims 4stats.set_skill_level major_videogaming 10
ViolinSims 4stats.set_skill_level major_violin 10
WellnessSpa Daystats.set_skill_level major_wellness 10
Work ethicGet to Workstats.set_skill_level retail_workethic 5
WritingSims 4stats.set_skill_level major_writing 10
Sim woman uses bowling lane in Sims 4, others are watching
Bowling is just one of many skills your Sims can learn. © EA

Toddler Skills

Toddler SkillLeads to Child Skill:Cheat
CommunicationSocialstats.set_skill_level toddler_communication 5
ImaginationCreativitystats.set_skill_level toddler_imagination 5
MovementMotorstats.set_skill_level toddler_movement 5
ThinkingMentalstats.set_skill_level toddler_thinking 5
Pottystats.set_skill_level toddler_potty 3

Child Skills

Child SkillCheat
Creativitystats.set_skill_level skill_child_creativity 10
Mentalstats.set_skill_level skill_child_mental 10
Motorstats.set_skill_level skill_child_motor 10
Socialstats.set_skill_level skill_child_social 10

Career Cheats

In order to save you many hours of playing time while you are up-grading careers, Cheats are a convenient alternative. In our Sims 4 Cheats List we distinguish between the Classic Careers where your Sim leaves home to start work and returns after work, Active Careers, Part-Time and Freelance Careers as well as Careers for children and teenagers.

  • To use skill cheats, “testingcheats true” (PC/MAC) or “testingcheats on” (consoles) must be enabled.

General Career Cheats

careers.add_career XAdd a career to your active sim (replace X with the desired career).
careers.promote XActive sim gets promoted in career (replace X with the desired career).
careers.demote XActive sim gets demoted in career (replace X with the desired career).
careers.remove_career XYour active Sim quits the career (replace X with the desired career).

Classic Careers (Rabbithole Careers)

To take a new job, your Sims can either click on “Start a Career” in the Career tab at the bottom right of the screen, click on “Search Job” in the “Work” section of your phone, or click on “Search Job” in the “Career” selection menu of any computer. Then select the desired Career in the selection menu. You will also see the two Career Branches of each Career.

Cheats to all Classic Careers

AstronautSims 4careers.promote astronaut
AthleteSims 4careers.promote athletic
BusinessSims 4careers.promote business
Civil DesignerEco Lifestylecareers.promote civildesigner
CriminalSims 4careers.promote criminal
CriticCity Livingcareers.promote critic
ConservationistIsland Livingcareers.promote careers_adult_conservationist
CulinarySims 4careers.promote culinary
EducationDiscover Universitycareers.promote education
EngineeringDiscover Universitycareers.promote engineer
EntertainerSims 4careers.promote entertainer
GardenerSeasonscareers.promote adult_gardener
LawDiscover Universitycareers.promote law
MilitaryStrangerVillecareers.promote military
PainterSims 4careers.promote painter
PoliticianCity Livingcareers.promote activist
SalarypersonSnowy Escapecareers.promote corporateworker
Secret AgentSims 4careers.promote secretagent
Social MediaCity Livingcareers.promote social
Style InfluencerSims 4careers.promote styleinfluencer
TechGuruSims 4careers.promote techguru
WriterSims 4careers.promote adult_writer

Active Career Cheats

DoctorGet to Workcareers.promote doctor
DetectiveGet to Workcareers.promote detective
ActorGet Famouscareers.promote actor
ScientistGet to Workcareers.promote adult_active_scientist

Freelancer Careers

ArtistSims 4careers.promote adult_freelancer_agency_artist
CrafterEco Lifestylecareers.promote adult_freelancer_agency_maker
Fashion PhotographerMoschinocareers.promote adult_freelancer_agency_fashion
Interior DecoratorDream Home Decoratorcareers.promote deco
Paranormal InvestigatorParanormal Stuffcareers.promote Paranormalinvestigator
ProgrammerSims 4careers.promote adult_freelancer_agency_programmer
WriterSims 4careers.promote adult_freelancer_agency_writer
Two Sims pose in fashionable and flashy clothes in Sims 4
The freelancer career “fashion photographer” is all about fancy clothes. © EA

Part-Time Job Cheats

Retail EmployeeSims 4careers.promote PartTime_Retail
BabysitterSims 4careers.promote PartTime_Babysitter
BaristaSims 4careers.promote PartTime_Barista
Volunteer in E-SportsDiscover Universitycareers.promote career_Volunteer_E-Sports
Fast Food EmployeeSims 4careers.promote PartTime_FastFood
FishermanIsland Livingcareers.promote PartTime_Fisherman
Volunteer in the Soccer TeamDiscover Universitycareers.promote careers_Volunteer_SoccerTeam
ManualSims 4careers.promote PartTime_Manual
LifeguardIsland Livingcareers.promote PartTime_Lifeguard
DiverIsland Livingcareers.promote PartTime_Diver

Children Career / School Cheats

Grade School (better grades)Sims 4careers.promote gradeschool
ScoutSeasonscareers.promote scout
Drama ClubGet Famouscareers.promote dramaclub

Teenager Career / School Cheats

Retail EmployeeSims 4careers.promote Teen_Retail
BabysitterSims 4careers.promote Teen_Babysitter
BaristaSims 4careers.promote Teen_Barista
Drama ClubGet Famouscareers.promote dramaclub
Fast Food EmployeeSims 4careers.promote Teen_FastFood
ManualSims 4careers.promote Teen_Manual
Highschool (better grades)Grundspielcareers.promote Highschool
LifeguardIsland Livingcareers.promote Teen_Lifeguard
ScoutSeasonscareers.promote Scout

Occult Creature Transformation Cheats

Occult CreatureRequires:Cheat
AlienGet to Worktraits.equip_trait trait_OccultAlien
Ghost (temporarily)Paranormal Stufftraits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_SeanceTable
MermaidIsland Livingtraits.equip_trait trait_OccultMermaid
Plant SimSims 4Activate “testingcheats true/on” and use Shift+Left Mouse Button on your active Sim, choose the Plant Sim Transformation option.
Robot (Servo)Discover Universitytraits.equip_trait trait_Humanoid_Robots_MainTrait
SkeletonJungle Adventurestraits.equip_trait Trait_Hidden_Skeleton_ServiceSkeleton
SpellcasterRealm of Magictraits.equip_trait trait_Occult_WitchOccult
Vampire (fast transformation)Vampirestraits.equip_trait trait_OccultVampire
Vampire (slow transformation)Vampiresstats.set_stat commodity_BecomingVampire 2160

Death Cheats

Effects related to Sim Deaths

Disables/enables death for your active simDeath.toggle false/true
Makes your sim look like a ghost (Realm of Magic).traits.equip_trait trait_Magic_Marketstall_SpectralLook

Turning Sims into Ghosts in Sims 4

Can’t you manage to get your Sims into life-threatening situations? With the Cheats from this List you can turn your Sims directly into Ghosts! They get a color matching the Death Type and cause environmental effects: For example, drowned Sims leave puddles of water wherever they move.

  • Children can only die of drowning, hunger, fire (Sims 4), in the sauna (Spa Day) and by Pufferfish-Nigiri (City Living).

Cheats for all Death Types / Ghosts

Death TypeRequires:Cheat
Beetle JuiceEco Lifestylefeatures.equip_trait trait_Ghost_Beetle
Cardiac Explosion (Anger)Sims 4traits.equip_trait anger
DrowningSims 4traits.equip_trait drown
Eaten by CowplantSims 4traits.equip_trait cowplant
ElectroluctionSims 4traits.equip_trait electrocution
EmbarrassmentSims 4traits.equip_trait embarrassment
FireSims 4traits.equip_trait fire
FliesEco Lifestylefeatures.equip_trait trait_Ghost_Flies
FreezingSeasonstraits.equip_trait Ghost_Frozen
Ghastly ConsequencesRealm of Magictraits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_Cauldron_Potion_Immortality_Failure
HungerSims 4traits.equip_trait hunger
Killer ChickenCottage Livingtraits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_AnimalObjects_KillerChicken
Killer RabbitCottage Livingtraits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_AnimalObjects_KillerRabbit
LaughterSims 4traits.equip_trait laugh
LightningSeasonstraits.equip_trait Ghost_Lightning
Murphy BedTiny Livingtraits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_MurphyBed
Night Stalker GhostRealm of Magictraits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_Curses_NightStalker_Stalker
Old Age (Elders only)Sims 4traits.equip_trait oldage
OverheatingSeasonstraits.equip_trait Ghost_Overheat
Overexertion (Elders only)Sims 4traits.equip_trait exhaust
PoisonJungle Adventurestraits.equip_trait poison
Pufferfish NigiriCity Livingtraits.equip_trait pufferfish
Spellcaster OverloadRealm of Magictraits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_WitchOverload
Steam (Sauna)Spa Daytraits.equip_trait steam
Sunlight Vampirestraits.equip_trait Vampire_Sun

  • If you want to bring a ghost Sim back to life, simply replace the word “equip” with “remove”. For example, the Cheat traits.remove_trait fire will bring a Sim that died by fire back to life.
Several Sims are sweating in the sauna
Sims can die in the sauna from dehydration if you don’t pay attention! © EA / S4G

Turning animals into Animal Ghosts Cheats (Dogs and Cats)

sims.get_sim_id_by_name AnimalFirstName AnimalLastNameThis will give you the ID of the animal you want. Enter this into the cheat below.
traits.equip_trait Ghost_OldAge AnimalIDKill the animal and turn it into an animal ghost.

Make the Grim Reaper part of your household

To make the Grim Reaper a playable Sim and thus part of a household, create a two-person household and open the Cheat Console with CTRL + Shift + C. Enter “testingcheats true” and make sure that a Sim dies in this actively played household. Wait until the Grim Reaper appears and completes his job on the recently passed Sim. Then Shift + Left-Click on the Grim Reaper and select the “Add to family” option.

Cats and Dogs Cheats

General Cheats

stats.set_skill_level Major_Vet 10Sets Veterinarian Skill to maximum level 10.
stats.set_skill_level skill_Dog 5Sets Dog Training Skill to maximum level 5.
traits.equip_trait catloverCat Lover (Trait)
traits.equip_trait dogloverDog Lover (Trait)
traits.equip_trait AttractionAnimal Attraction (Bonus Trait obtained by Animal Aspiration Group)

Improve / Deteriorate Animal Relationship Values

modifyrelationship SimFirstName SimLastName AnimalFirstName AnimalLastName 100 LTR_SimToPet_Friendship_MainSets friendship level between your active sim and the animal to maximum.
modifyrelationship SimFirstName SimLastName AnimalFirstName AnimalLastName -100 LTR_SimToPet_Friendship_MainSets friendship level between your active sim and the animal to minimum.
  • For pet owner “Klaus Krause” and his dog “Fifi Krause” the cheat for the maximum friendship value would be: modifyrelationship Klaus Krause Fifi Krause 100 LTR_SimToPet_Friendship_Main

Turning animals into Animal Ghosts Cheats

sims.get_sim_id_by_name AnimalFirstName AnimalLastNameWith this cheat you’ll get the animal’s ID. Insert the animal ID into the cheat below.
traits.equip_trait Ghost_OldAge Animal IDKills your animal and transforms it into a ghost.

Unlock Veterinary Clinic Perks

To use these cheats, you need an active and functioning vet clinic with the appropriate facilities and your Sim has to be present in those premises. Use “testingcheats true” (PC/MAC) or “testingcheats on” (consoles) and then enter your desired Cheat. In the Perk List of the clinic you can see all activated perks.

All Vet Clinic Perk Point Cheats

bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalVet_1 trueAdditional Vet 1
bucks.unlock_perk SupplyQuality trueUnlock Vet Supply Quality
bucks.unlock_perk vetperks_MoreCustomers trueVet Rush
bucks.unlock_perk vetperks_LengthenImpatienceTimeout truePatient Patients
bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalVet_2 trueAdditional Vet 2
bucks.unlock_perk vetperks_InspirationalSpeechSocial trueInspirational Speech
bucks.unlock_perk vetperks_LowerEmployeeTrainingCost trueLower Employee Training Costs
bucks.unlock_perk vetperks_LowerChanceBadEvents_Small trueWell Managed
bucks.unlock_perk ReducePetStress trueReduce Pet Stress
bucks.unlock_perk UnlockCASItem trueThe Vet Coat
Sim woman feeding birds at birdhouse in garden
Sims also have a heart for small animals like birds. © EA

City Living Cheats

stats.set_skill_level Major_Singing 10Sets Singing Skills to maximum level 10.
careers.promote activistPromotion in Politician career.
careers.promote socialPromotion in Social Media Career.
careers.promote careers_adult_criticPromotion in Critic Career.
traits.equip_trait unflirtyUnflirty (Sim Trait)
traits.equip_trait vegetarianVegetarian (Sim Trait)
traits.equip_trait HomeTurfHome Turf (Bonus Trait due to a Location Aspiration)
traits.equip_trait SpiceHoundSpice Hound (if your sim got used to spicy food)
traits.equip_trait InTheKnowIn the Know (completed Aspiration “City Native”)
traits.equip_trait ChopstickSavvyChopstick Savy (if your sim got used to chopsticks)
traits.equip_trait trait_hidden_career_critic_thriftyCritically Connected (hidden Trait of the Critic career)
traits.equip_trait pufferfishDeath by Pufferfish Nigiri

Cottage Living Cheats

General Cheats

traits.equip_trait animalenthusiastAnimal Enthusiast (Sim Trait)
traits.equip_trait lactoseintolerantLactose Intolerant (Sim Trait)
traits.equip_trait trait_Nature_CountryNature Conversationalist (Bonus Trait after completion of the Country Caretaker aspiration)
stats.set_skill_level Skill_CrossStitch 5Sets Cross-Stitch skill to maximum level 5.
traits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_AnimalObjects_KillerChickenDeath by an angry chicken
traits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_AnimalObjects_KillerRabbitDeath by an angry rabbit

Best Friends with all Animals

Raise your friendship level with all farm animals instantly with the following method: Open the cheat console (Ctrl+Shift+C), use the command “testingcheats true” and Shift-Leftclick on the desired animal. With the option “Cheat Relationship” you’re able to decide the friendship level between your active sim and the animal. Use the Shift-Leftclick on Wild Birds Homes to use the cheat on wild birds swarms.

Get all Animal Clothing instantly

If you don’t want to buy or get animal clothing via finishing errands in Bagford-on-Henley there’s a much faster way via cheat: Open your cheat console by pressing Ctrl+Shift+ C, then use “testingcheats true” to enable cheats. Shift-leftclick on a cow, llama, chicken, rabbit or fox and use the option “Get all Animal Clithes (Debug)” to get every clothing piece spawned in your inventory.

Use “Buy Animal Clothing” via shift-leftclick on those animals to buy a specific piece.

Create / spawn Farm Animals

You’ll get more animals on your farm, if you open the cheat console (Ctrl+Shift+C) and use the commands “testingcheats true” and a shift-leftclick anywhere on the ground. With the “Create Animal” option you can decide to spawn a chick, hen, rooster or rabbit. Use a shift-leftclick on a rabbit home to spawn up to five rabbits living in this home.

Use the “Create Hen in Coop (Debug)” option with a shift-leftclick on a chicken coop – there’s a moderate chance to get an golden or evil chicken, too! With the same method you’re able to spawn cows or llamas in empty animal sheds.

With the “Create Egg (Debug)” option shift-leftclicked on a chicken coop you may choose between eight different egg variations, even Obsidian or Golden Eggs. Use “Create Hatchable Eggs” with a shift-leftclick on the chicken coop to spawn hatchable eggs.

Get all Animal Treat recipes

Open the cheat console (Ctrl+Shift+C) and use the commanc “testingcheats true”, then shift-leftclick on your fridge. You may now unlock all animal treat recipes, get all ingredients for all animal treats in your inventory or get one unit of every animal treat in your backpack via the available options.

Unlock all Cross-Stitch patterns

To get all Cross-Stitch patterns you need a cross-stitching hoop placed in the world. Open the cheat console (Ctrl-shift+C), use the “testingcheats true” Command and shift-leftclick the hoop to unlock all patterns or get all patterns in your inventory.

Dine Out Cheats

Unlock Restaurant Perks with Cheats

To unlock Restaurant Perks, you first need an active restaurant business with the appropriate equipment, employees and a menu. Only then can you access the Restaurant Perks and unlock them with cheats.

All Restaurant Perk Point Cheats

bucks.unlock_perk RecommendDishSocial trueCurious Customers
bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWaiter_1 trueAdditional Waiter 1
bucks.unlock_perk IngredientQualityOptions trueIngredient Quality Options
bucks.unlock_perk MoreCustomers trueMeal Rush
bucks.unlock_perk IngredientCostDiscount trueSurplus Harvest
bucks.unlock_perk LengthenImpatienceTimeout truePatient Patrons
bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalChef trueAdditional Chef
bucks.unlock_perk RecommendDishFrequency trueCuriouser Customers
bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWaiter_2 trueAdditional Waiter 2
bucks.unlock_perk InspirationalSpeechSocial trueInspirational Speech
bucks.unlock_perk EatFaster trueFast Eaters
bucks.unlock_perk LowerEmployeeTrainingCost trueLower Employee Training Costs
bucks.unlock_perk CheaperIngredients_1 trueIngredient Discount (small)
bucks.unlock_perk ExpensiveOrders trueWell funded Foodies
bucks.unlock_perk RiskFreeMarkup trueTidy Tippers
bucks.unlock_perk CheaperIngredients_2 trueIngredient Discount (large)
bucks.unlock_perk LowerChanceBadEvents_Small trueWell Managed
bucks.unlock_perk ChefsHat trueThe Chef’s Hat
Sim couple enjoys exclusive food in noble restaurant
As long as the guests are enjoying themselves, your restaurant runs well. © EA

Discover University Cheats

General Cheats

stats.set_skill_level Major_Robotics 10Sets Robotics Skill at maximum level 10.
stats.set_skill_level Major_ResearchDebate 10Sets Research and Debate Skill at maximum level 10.
careers.promote careers_Adult_EducationPromotion in Education Career.
careers.promote careers_Adult_EngineerPromotion in Engineer Career.
careers.promote careers_Adult_LawPromotion in Law Career.
careers.promote careers_Volunteer_SoccerTeamPromotion in Part-Time Job Soccer Team.
careers.promote career_Volunteer_E-SportsPromotion in Part-Time Job E-Sports
traits.equip_trait trait_Humanoid_Robots_MainTraitTransforms a sim into a Robot (Servo).

Change University Enrollment / Roommate

To enroll any Sim of the “Young Adult” age group at the university, “testingcheats true” (PC/MAC) or “testingcheats on” (console) must be active. Shift + Left-Click on the Sim, select the option ” Enroll in University” and choose your desired courses. To change the appearance of a roommate, also activate “testingcheats” and Shift + Left-Click on the desired roommate. With “Change to create a Sim” you can change the appearance of the Sim.

Cheats for Advancing in Student Organizations

First, join one of three Public Student Organizations of the chosen university by contacting one of the members of these organizations and requesting admission. You can join the secret fraternity by donating items at the statue in the middle of the campus. Members of this organization will visit you at night to welcome you. Once your Sim has joined, use the Cheats in the List below (click on the blue bar Student Society Cheats) to progress, replacing the X with the following values

  • Rank 1: 1
  • Rank 2: 166
  • Rank 3: 333

Student Society Cheats

Student SocietyCheat
Britechester Debate GuildStats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_Debate X
Britechester Art SocietyStats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_ArtSociety X
Britechester Spirit CorpsStats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_SchoolSpirit_Party X
Foxbury Robotics SocietyStats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_Robotics X
Foxbury Study GroupStats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_HonorSociety X
Foxbury Spirit CorpsStats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_SchoolSpirit_Party X
Secret SocietyStats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_CollegeOrganization_Progress_SecretSociety X
Group of several Sims chatting casually with each other
Whether it’s in college or later in life: community is very important to Sims. © EA

Cheating Diplomas

Both universities offer all subjects in which your Sims can obtain an honorary degree through special study achievements. If your Sims achieve an honours degree in special subjects at the respective university ( Science courses at Foxbury, Art courses at Britechester), the future career bonus in the form of higher earnings, more holidays and higher career entry level will be the highest. The best possible degree is marked with an X in our list. Cheats with the addition “Honors” result in an honorary degree.

Sims 4 Cheats: Britechester Degrees

Art HistoryXTraits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ArtHistoryDegreeBA
Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ArtHistoryDegreeBAHonors
BiologyTraits.Equip_Trait trait_University_BiologyDegreeBA
Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_BiologyDegreeBAHonors
CommunicationsTraits.Equip_Trait trait_University_CommunicationsDegreeBA
Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_CommunicationsDegreeBAHonors
Computer ScienceTraits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ComputerScienceDegreeBA
Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ComputerScienceDegreeBAHonors
Culinary ArtsXTraits.Equip_Trait trait_University_CulinaryArtsDegreeBA
Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_CulinaryArtsDegreeBAHonors
DramaXTraits.Equip_Trait trait_University_DramaDegreeBA
Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_DramaDegreeBAHonors
EconomicsTraits.Equip_Trait trait_University_EconomicsDegreeBA
Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_EconomicsDegreeBAHonors
Fine ArtsXTraits.Equip_Trait trait_University_FineArtDegreeBA
Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_FineArtDegreeBAHonors
HistoryXTraits.Equip_Trait trait_University_HistoryDegreeBA
Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_HistoryDegreeBAHonors
Language and LiteratureXTraits.Equip_Trait trait_University_LanguageAndLiteratureDegreeBA
Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_LanguageAndLiteratureDegreeBAHonors
PhysicsTraits.Equip_Trait trait_University_PhysicsDegreeBA
Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_PhysicsDegreeBAHonors
PsychologyTraits.Equip_Trait trait_University_PsychologyDegreeBA
Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_PsychologyDegreeBAHonors
VillainyTraits.Equip_Trait trait_University_VillainyDegreeBA
Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_VillainyDegreeBAHonors

Sims 4 Cheats: Foxbury Degrees

Art HistoryTraits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ArtHistoryDegreeBS
Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ArtHistoryDegreeBSHonors
BiologyXTraits.Equip_Trait trait_University_BiologyDegreeBS
Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_BiologyDegreeBSHonors
CommunicationsTraits.Equip_Trait trait_University_CommunicationsDegreeBS
Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_CommunicationsDegreeBSHonors
Computer ScienceXTraits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ComputerScienceDegreeBS
Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_ComputerScienceDegreeBSHonors
Culinary ArtsXTraits.Equip_Trait trait_University_CulinaryArtsDegreeBS
Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_CulinaryArtsDegreeBSHonors
DramaTraits.Equip_Trait trait_University_DramaDegreeBS
Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_DramaDegreeBSHonors
EconomicsXTraits.Equip_Trait trait_University_EconomicsDegreeBS
Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_EconomicsDegreeBSHonors
Fine ArtsTraits.Equip_Trait trait_University_FineArtDegreeBS
Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_FineArtDegreeBSHonors
HistoryTraits.Equip_Trait trait_University_HistoryDegreeBS
Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_HistoryDegreeBSHonors
Language and LiteratureTraits.Equip_Trait trait_University_LanguageAndLiteratureDegreeBS
Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_LanguageAndLiteratureDegreeBSHonors
PhysicsXTraits.Equip_Trait trait_University_PhysicsDegreeBS
Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_PhysicsDegreeBSHonors
PsychologyXTraits.Equip_Trait trait_University_PsychologyDegreeBS
Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_PsychologyDegreeBSHonors
VillainyXTraits.Equip_Trait trait_University_VillainyDegreeBS
Traits.Equip_Trait trait_University_VillainyDegreeBSHonors

Dream Home Decorator Cheats

careers.promote decoPromotion in the Interior Decorator career.
cas.unlockbytag GP10Unlocks all CAS career outfits of the Interior Decorator career.

Eco Lifestyle Cheats

Traits and Bonus Traits

Freegantraits.equip_trait trait_freegan
Green Fiendtraits.equip_trait trait_greenfiend
Makertraits.equip_trait trait_maker
Recycle Discipletraits.equip_trait trait_recycledisciple
Fizzyhead (maximum level of Juice Fizzing-Skill)traits.equip_trait trait_fizzyhead
Champion of the People (Civil Designer Career)traits.equip_trait trait_championofthepeople
Eco Engineer (Civil Designer Career)traits.equip_trait trait_ecoengineer
Influential Individual (completed Aspiration “Eco Innovator”) traits.equip_trait trait_influentialindividual
Muse of the Maker (completed Aspiration “Master Maker”)traits.equip_trait trait_mastermaker
Eco Master (NPC)traits.equip_trait trait_eco_master
Entrepreneur (NPC)traits.equip_trait trait_entrepreneur
Master Crafter (NPC)traits.equip_trait trait_makerNPC

Career, Skill and Death Cheats

careers.promote civildesignerPromotion in the Civil Designer career.
careers.promote adult_freelancer_agency_makerPromotion in the Freelancer career “Maker”
stats.set_skill_level minor_juicefizzing 5Sets Juice Fizzing skill to maximum level 5.
stats.set_skill_level major_fabrication 10Sets Fabrication skill to maximum level 10.
features.equip_trait trait_Ghost_FliesDeath by flies.
features.equip_trait trait_Ghost_BeetleDeath by the consume of beetle juice.

Sims 4 Cheats: Change the Eco Footprint of your Neighbourhood

Eco_Footprint.Set_Eco_Footprint_State 0Eco footprint of your neighbourhood turns into “green”.
Eco_Footprint.Set_Eco_Footprint_State 1Eco footprint of your neighbourhood turns into “neutral”.
Eco_Footprint.Set_Eco_Footprint_State 2Eco footprint of your neighbourhood turns into “industrial”.

To change active Neighbourhood Action Plans (NAPs) or to deploy new ones, you first activate the Cheat Console and use the Cheat “testingcheats true”. Then hold down Shift and Left-click on the NAP board in your neighbourhood (or on your mailbox if you are on your Sim’s residential property) to use the following options:

  • Immediately implement Neighbourhood Action Plan (Cheat): The expanding list contains all NAPs currently not active in the Neighbourhood, which you can add to the already active ones.
  • Override Neighborhood Action Plan immediately (Cheat): Here you will see all currently active NAPs, from which you can select one or more to override them.

You generate more Influence in a similar way: Activate the Cheat Console and use the “testingcheats true” Cheat before Shift + Left-clicking on one of the voting boards and selecting “Sim +15 Influence” for +15 Influence per use.

You can change the type of a Community Shared Lot by first traveling to that property. Activate the Cheat Console and enable the “testingcheats true” Cheat before Shift + Left-clicking the “Neighborhood Action Plan Board” located on the property, before selecting the desired type (Market Area, Community Garden, Manufacturing Area).

Get Famous Cheats

General Cheats

stats.set_skill_level minor_mediaproduction 5Sets Media Production skill to maximum level 5.
stats.set_skill_level major_acting 10Sets Acring skill to maximum level 10.
careers.promote actorPromotion in Actor/Actress career.
careers.promote dramaclubPromotion in Drama Club (Children/Teenager)
traits.equip_trait unstoppablefameUnstoppable Fame (completed Aspiration “World Famous Celebrity”)
traits.equip_trait worldrenownedactorWorld Renowned Actor/Actress (completed Aspiration “Master Actor/Actress”)
Sim in front eating popcorn, in the background a group of Sims talking to each other
Even for famous Sims a movie night won’t work without popcorn. © EA

Changing the Celebrity Level with Cheats

Activate “testingcheats true” (PC/MAC) or “testingcheats on” (consoles) to open the “Public Image” menu on your active Sim with Shift + Left-click. Now you can increase or decrease the Celebrity Rating, lock fame permanently (Freeze Fame) and adjust the Sim’s Reputation. You can also add Fame Quirks or remove unwanted Quirks. If you use one of the last two options, a window will open with the available Quirks, but you can only select and change one Quirk at a time.

Celebrity Perk Cheats

For these cheats you first need the ID of your active Sim. You can get this ID with the cheat “sims.get_sim_id_by_name first name last name”. Note the number for all following Cheat Codes.

  • Celebrity Perks and Quirks are removed by eliminating the word “true” in the matching cheat before using it.

All Celebrity Perk Cheats

Celebrity PerkPerk GroupCheat
Giving BackGood Reputationbucks.unlock_perk givingback true 61441 SimID
Rally!Good Reputationbucks.unlock_perk GoodReputation_Rally true 61441 SimID
Star TreatmentGood Reputationbucks.unlock_perk startreatment true 61441 SimID
Who’s badBad Reputationbucks.unlock_perk whosbad true 61441 SimID
Play the VillainBad Reputationbucks.unlock_perk playthevillain true 61441 SimID
FeudbringerBad Reputationbucks.unlock_perk feudbringer true 61441 SimID
TrailblazerInfluencer/Brandbucks.unlock_perk trailblazer true 61441 SimID
Lifestyle BrandInfluencer/Brandbucks.unlock_perk lifestylebrand true 61441 SimID
All-NighterInfluencer/Brandbucks.unlock_perk allnighter true 61441 SimID
InfluencerInfluencer/Brandbucks.unlock_perk influencer true 61441 SimID
Corporate PartnershipInfluencer/Brandbucks.unlock_perk corporatepartnership true 61441 SimID
Easy StreetCareerbucks.unlock_perk easystreet true 61441 SimID
Career HopperCareerbucks.unlock_perk careerhopper true 61441 SimID
Established NameCareerbucks.unlock_perk establishedname true 61441 SimID
CelebuSerumCareerbucks.unlock_perk celebuserum true 61441 SimID
NoticeableCareerbucks.unlock_perk noticeable true 61441 SimID
PR AgencyFame Relationshipbucks.unlock_perk prperson true 61441 SimID
SquadFame Relationshipbucks.unlock_perk squad true 61441 SimID
Fan FavoriteFame Relationshipbucks.unlock_perk fanfavorite true 61441 SimID
Instant BestiesFame Relationshipbucks.unlock_perk instantbesties true 61441 SimID
NetworkingFame Relationshipbucks.unlock_perk networking true 61441 SimID

All Quirk Cheats

A Serious Actorbucks.unlock_perk aseriousactor true 61442 SimID
A Stan!bucks.unlock_perk quirks_stan true 61442 SimID
Brushes With Famebucks.unlock_perk brusheswithfame true 61442 SimID
Emotion Bombbucks.unlock_perk emotionbomb true 61442 SimID
“Fan” Mailbucks.unlock_perk fanmail true 61442 SimID
Juice Enthusiastbucks.unlock_perk juiceenthusiast true 61442 SimID
No Touching!bucks.unlock_perk notouching true 61442 SimID
Paparazzi Darlingbucks.unlock_perk paparazzidarling true 61442 SimID
Phone Fanaticbucks.unlock_perk phonefanatic true 61442 SimID
Public Numberbucks.unlock_perk publicnumber true 61442 SimID
Refined Palatebucks.unlock_perk refinedpalate true 61442 SimID
Vain Streetbucks.unlock_perk vainstreet true 61442 SimID

Get together Cheats

stats.set_skill_level major_dj 10Sets DJ Mixing skill to maximum level 10.
stats.set_skill_level minor_dancing 5Setzt Dancing skill to maximum level 5.
traits.equip_trait insiderInsider (Trait)
traits.equip_trait dancemachineTanzwütig (Trait)
traits.equip_trait ClubPresidentNatural Leader (completed Aspiration “Leader of the Pack”)

Get To Work Cheats

General Cheats

stats.set_skill_level major_baking 10Sets Baking Skill at maximum level 10.
stats.set_skill_level major_photography 10Sets Photography Skill at maximum level 10.
careers.promote doctorPromotion in Doctor career.
careers.promote detectivePromotion in Detective career.
careers.promote adult_active_scientistPromotion in Scientist career.
stats.set_skill_level retail_workethic 5Sets Work Ethic Skill at maximum level 5.
stats.set_skill_level retail_maintenance 5Sets Maintenance Skill at maximum level 5.
stats.set_skill_level retail_sales 5Sets Retail Sales Skills at maximum level 5.

Sims 4 Cheats: Unlock Retail Perks

To unlock perks for your retail store, first enable “testingcheats true” (PC/MAC) or “testingcheats on” (consoles). If you are buying a retail item and have at least one item for sale, you will be able to use the Perks page.

All Retail Perk Point Cheats

bucks.unlock_perk StorePlacard_1 truePlacard “My first Simoleon”
bucks.unlock_perk PedestalMimic trueProvocative Pedestal
bucks.unlock_perk SignageMimic trueStunning Sign
bucks.unlock_perk RetailOutfit trueSnazzy Shirt
bucks.unlock_perk RegisterMimic trueRegister of Tomorrow
bucks.unlock_perk DecreaseRestocking_Temporary trueSuperfluous Surplus
bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWorker_1 trueAdditional Employee 1
bucks.unlock_perk RestockSpeed_Small trueFaster Restocking (small)
bucks.unlock_perk CheckoutSpeed_Small trueFaster Checkouts (small)
bucks.unlock_perk StorePlacard_2 truePlacard “Fobbs 500”
bucks.unlock_perk CustomerBrowseTime trueCurious Shopper
bucks.unlock_perk ImproveManagementSocials trueMega Manager
bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWorker_2 trueAdditional Employee 2
bucks.unlock_perk CustomerPurchaseIntent trueSerious Shopper
bucks.unlock_perk CheckoutSpeed_Large trueFaster Checkouts (large)
bucks.unlock_perk RestockSpeed_Large trueFaster Restocking (large)
bucks.unlock_perk SureSaleSocial trueSure Sale
bucks.unlock_perk ImproveRetailSocials trueSlick Salesman
bucks.unlock_perk InstantRestock trueInstant Restocking
bucks.unlock_perk DescreaseRestockingCost trueCheaper Restocking

Island Living Cheats

General Cheats

traits.equip_trait trait_OccultMermaidTransforms your active sim into a mermaid/merman.
careers.promote careers_adult_conservationistPromotion in the Conservationist career.
careers.promote PartTime_FishermanPromotion in the Part-Time Job Fisherman.
careers.promote PartTime_LifeguardPromotion in the Part-Time Job Lifeguard (Adults)
careers.promote Teen_LifeguardPromotion in the Part-Time Job Lifeguard (Teenager)
careers.promote PartTime_DiverPromotion in the Part-Time Job Diver.

Cheats for Traits of Island Life

TraitTrait TypeCheat
Laid Backcompleted Aspiration “Beach Bum”traits.equip_trait trait_BeachBum_LaidBack
Island AncestorsSim Traittraits.equip_trait islandancestors
Child of the OceanSim Traittraits.equip_trait trait_childoftheocean
Friend of the SeaConservationist careertraits.equip_trait trait_FriendOfTheSea
Natural SpeakerConservationist careertraits.equip_trait trait_NaturalSpeaker
Sulani-ManaSim Trait (hidden)traits.equip_trait trait_Hidden_IslandAncestor_Elemental

Volcano Eruption Cheats

volcanic_eruption smallSmall lava chunks crash on your active lot.
volcanic_eruption largeLarge lava chunks crash on your active lot.

Give Sims a Suntan

If you want Sims to get a nice tan (or sunburn) even without extensive sunbathing, first activate “testingcheats true” (PC/MAC) or “testingcheats on” (consoles) in the cheat console. Shift + Left-click on the Sim and use “Sunbathing Options” to select your desired tan in the appearing selection menu.

Jungle Adventures Cheats

stats.set_skill_level Major_Archaeology 10Sets Archaeology Skill to maximum level 10.
stats.set_skill_level Minor_LocalCulture 5Sets selvadorian Culture Skill to maximum level 5.
traits.equip_trait Trait_JungleExplorerTreasure Hunter (completed Aspiration “Jungle Explorer”)
traits.equip_trait Trait_ArchaeologyMuseum Patron (completed Aspiration “Archaeology Scholar”)
traits.equip_trait poisonDeath by Poison.
traits.equip_trait Trait_Hidden_Skeleton_ServiceSkeletonTransforms your active sim into a skeleton.

Nifty Knitting Stuff

stats.set_skill_level AdultMajor_Knitting 10Sets Knitting Skill to maximum level 10.
traits.equip_trait trait_SacredKnittingKnowledgeSacred Knitting Knowledge (completed Aspiration “Lady/Lord of the Knits”)
cas.unlockbytag SP17Unlocks all Knitting Patterns for the selected Sim’s age group and gender.

Paranormal Stuff

stats.set_skill_level minor_medium 5Sets Medium Skill to maximum level 5.
traits.equip_trait trait_Freelancer_Career_ParanormalInvestigator_LicenseGives your Sim a Paranormal Investigator license.
careers.promote ParanormalinvestigatorIncome raise in the Paranormal Investigator freelance career.
traits.equip_trait BraveBrave (bonus trait)
traits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_SeanceTableTransforms your Sim temporarily into a ghost.
traits.equip_trait trait_GuidryTransforms your Sim into Guidrys ghost form.
traits.equip_trait trait_HauntedHouse_TemperanceTransforms your Sim into Temperances ghost form.
cas.unlockbytag sp18Unlocks Guidrys outfit (shoes, jacket, hat) in Create-A-Sim mode.

Parenthood Cheats

Changing Character Values

If you want to change the character values of children and teenagers, use the cheat that matches the desired character value and replace the “X” with a value between -100 and 100, with -100 being the worst and 100 the best value on the character value scale.

Character ValueCheat
Emotional Controlstats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_Empathy X
Empathystats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_EmotionalControl X
Conflict Resolutionstats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_ConflictResolution X
Mannersstats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_Manners X
Responsibilitystats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_Responsibility X
Masqueraded Sims are having fun at Halloween party
A Halloween party is much more fun with costumes. © EA

Bonus Traits due to Character Values

TraitCharacter ValueCheat
Emotional ControlEmotional Control (positive)traits.equip_trait EmotionalControl
Good MannersManners (positive)traits.equip_trait GoodManners
CompassionateEmpathy (positive)traits.equip_trait Compassionate
Bad MannersManners (negative)traits.equip_trait BadManners
MediatorConflict Resolution (positive)traits.equip_trait Mediator
ArgumentativeConflict Resolution (negative)traits.equip_trait Argumentative
UncontrolledEmotional Control (negative)traits.equip_trait Uncontrolled
InsensitiveEmpathy (negative)traits.equip_trait LifeSkills_Unfeeling
IrresponsibleResponsibility (negative)traits.equip_trait Irresponsible
ResponsibleResponsibility (positive)traits.equip_trait LifeSkills_Responsible

Childhood Phases

The childhood phase of ” Picky Eater” runs in several stages, getting worse and worse. You trigger them by replacing the “A” from the Cheat with the values “B, C, D, DisgustedByFood and F”.

Childhood PhasePhase of LifeCheat
ClingyChildtraits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_Clingy
DistantTeenagertraits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_Distant
Mean StreakChild, Teenagertraits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_MeanStreak
BearChildtraits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_Bear
LoudChild, Teenagertraits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_Loud
RebelliousChild, Teenagertraits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_Rebellious
Picky EaterChild, Teenagertraits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_PickyEater_A

Realm of Magic Cheats

General Cheats

traits.equip_trait trait_Occult_WitchOccultTransforms your active sim into a Spellcaster.
traits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_Curses_NightStalker_StalkerDeath by Night Stalker
traits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_WitchOverloadDeath by Magic Overload
traits.equip_trait trait_Ghost_Cauldron_Potion_Immortality_FailureDeath by Ghastly Consequences (failed Immortality potion)
traits.equip_trait trait_Magic_Marketstall_SpectralLookMakes your sim look like a ghost.
traits.equip_trait trait_Knowledge_SlingerOfSpellsSlinger of Spells (completed Aspiration “Spellcraft & Sorcery”)
traits.equip_trait trait_Nature_MasterMixerMaster Mixer (completed Aspiration “Purveyor of Potions”)
traits.equip_trait trait_Cauldron_Potion_ImmortalityImmortal (successful Immortality potion)
traits.equip_trait trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineWeakWeak spellcaster bloodline
traits.equip_trait trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineStrongStrong spellcaster bloodline
traits.equip_trait trait_Occult_WitchOccult_BloodlineAncientAncient spellcaster bloodline

Increase your Spellcaster Rank with Cheats

stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_WitchOccult_WitchXP 50Sets Spellcaster Rank to “Neophyte”
stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_WitchOccult_WitchXP 350Sets Spellcaster Rank to “Acolyte”
stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_WitchOccult_WitchXP 850Sets Spellcaster Rank to “Adept”
stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_WitchOccult_WitchXP 1550Sets Spellcaster Rank to “Master”
stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_WitchOccult_WitchXP 2350Sets Spellcaster Rank to “Virtuoso”
stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_WitchOccult_WitchXP 2850Maxes out the exp bar and grants 1 Talent Point

Magical Curse Cheats

With these Cheats you spread nasty curses on your Sims. Although more curses can be active at the same time, only three curses will be displayed at a time. If you want to get rid of a curse, replace the word “equip” with “remove” in the Cheat.

Curse of Awkward Embracestraits.equip_trait trait_Curses_TouchyFeely
Curse of Infectious Laughtertraits.equip_trait trait_Curses_InfectiousLaughter
Curse of the Night Wraithtraits.equip_trait trait_Curses_NightStalker
Curse of Repulsivenesstraits.equip_trait trait_Curses_Repulsiveness
Curse of Scrambled Spellstraits.equip_trait trait_Curses_WildMagic
Curse of Uncleansable Stenchtraits.equip_trait trait_Curses_SweatyStench
Curse of Unwarranted Hostilitytraits.equip_trait trait_Curses_PunchableFace

Sims 4 Cheats for Spellcaster Perks

Once your Sim has become a Spellcaster, he will gain experience points by using spells, dueling other Spellcasters and making potions, which will allow him to unlock various perks.

  • For the Spellcaster Perks Cheats you need the ID of the Sim you want to use. You can get this ID with the cheat “sims.get_sim_id_by_name first name last name”. Note the corresponding sequence of numbers for all following cheat codes and insert it at the value “SimID”.

Unlock Spellcaster Perks with Cheats

Spellcaster PerkPerk GroupCheat
Knowledge is MagicProwessbucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Prowess_1_KnowledgeIsMagic true 49153 SimID
Mote HoundProwessbucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Prowess_2_MoteHound true 49153 SimID
Charge ControlProwessbucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Prowess_3_ChargeControl true 49153 SimID
HexproofProwessbucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Prowess_4_Hexproof true 49153 SimID
Magical ResonanceProwessbucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Prowess_5_MagicalResonance true 49153 SimID
Blender ArmAlchemybucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Alchemy_1_BlenderArm true 49153 SimID
Frugal CombinationsAlchemybucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Alchemy_2_FrugalCombinations true 49153 SimID
A Little Extra ChemistryAlchemybucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Alchemy_3_ExtraChemistry true 49153 SimID
Mix MasterAlchemybucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Alchemy_4_MixMaster true 49153 SimID
Potent PotablesAlchemybucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Alchemy_5_PotentPotables true 49153 SimID
DischargeSpellcastingbucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Spellcasting_1_Discharge true 49153 SimID
Power ShuntSpellcastingbucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Spellcasting_2_PowerShunt true 49153 SimID
Spectral ReachSpellcastingbucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Spellcasting_3_SpectralReach true 49153 SimID
Master CasterSpellcastingbucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Spellcasting_4_MasterCaster true 49153 SimID
Master DuelistSpellcastingbucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Spellcasting_5_MasterDuelist true 49153 SimID
Practiced PracticalityOpenbucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_3C_PracticedPracticality true 49153 SimID
Incredible ForagerOpenbucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_1A_IncredibleForager true 49153 SimID
Insightful EyeOpenbucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_2A_InsightfulEye true 49153 SimID
Mischief MasterOpenbucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_3A_MischiefMaster true 49153 SimID
Natural MentorOpenbucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_4A_NaturalMentor true 49153 SimID
ExperimenterOpenbucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_1B_Experimenter true 49153 SimID
Spellcaster SocialiteOpenbucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_2B_WitchSocialite true 49153 SimID
Tame the UntameableOpenbucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_3B_TameTheUntameable true 49153 SimID
Magiscal DiscountsOpenbucks.unlock_perk witchPerks_Open_4B_MagicalDiscounts true 49153 SimID
Sim uses electronic climbing wall in gym
Your Sims will find a special challenge with the climbing wall. © EA

Seasons Cheats

General Cheats

stats.set_skill_level statistic_skill_AdultMajor_FlowerArranging 10Sets the Flower Arranging Skill to maximum level 10.
stats.set_skill_level Hidden_Skating 5Sets the hidden Skating Skill to maximum level 5.
careers.promote Adult_GardenerPromotion in the Gardener career.
careers.promote ScoutPromotion as Scout (Children/Teenager).
traits.equip_trait Ghost_Frozen Death by Freezing
traits.equip_trait Ghost_LightningDeath by Lightning
traits.equip_trait Ghost_OverheatDeath by Overheating
traits.equip_trait ColdAcclimationCold Acclimation (Rewards Store)
traits.equip_trait HeatAcclimationHeat Acclimation (Rewards Store)
traits.equip_trait IceManIceproof (Rewards Store)
traits.equip_trait BurningManHeatproof (Rewards Store)
traits.equip_trait StormChaserStorm Chaser (Rewards Store)
traits.equip_trait WaterproofWaterproof (Rewards Store)
traits.equip_trait FatherWinterBabySim is Father Winter’s child.

Change Seasons with Cheats

seasons.set_season 0Sets actual season to summer.
seasons.set_season 1Sets actual season to autumn.
seasons.set_season 2Sets actual season to winter.
seasons.set_season 3Sets actual season to spring.
seasons.advance_seasonAdvances to next season.
seasons.set_season_length 0Sets season length to 7 days.
seasons.set_season_length 1Sets season length to 14 days.
seasons.set_season_length 3Sets season length to 28 days.
weather.summon_lightning_strikeLightning strikes on a random place in the neighbourhood.
weather.lightning_strike_objectLightning strikes on a random place of your lot.

Snowy Escape Cheats

General Cheats

stats.set_skill_level major_rockclimbing 10Sets the Rock Climbing Skill to maximum level 10.
stats.set_skill_level major_skiing 10Sets the Skiing Skill to maximum level 10.
stats.set_skill_level major_snowboarding 10Sets the Snowboarding skill to maximum level 10.
careers.promote corporateworkerPromotion in the Salaryperson career.
traits.equip_trait trait_corporateworker_charismaticcroonerBonus Trait Charismatic Crooner (achieving career level 4 in the Salaryperson career).
traits.equip_trait trait_corporateworker_legendarystaminaBonus Trait Legendary Stamina (achieving maximum career level in the Salaryperson career).
traits.equip_trait trait_adventurousSim Trait “Adventurous” (Create-A-Sim)
traits.equip_trait trait_properSim Trait “Proper” (Create-A-Sim)
traits.equip_trait trait_excursion_mountaineer_rank1Bonus Trait awarded for being part of the team of the Excursion to Mt. Komorebi
traits.equip_trait trait_excursion_mountaineer_rank2Bonus Trait for making it to the top on Silver Level in the Excursion-Event
traits.equip_trait trait_excursion_mountaineer_rank3Bonus Trait for making it to the top on Gold Level in the Excursion-Event
traits.equip_trait trait_survivalinstinctBonus Trait “Survival Instinct” (completed Aspiration “Extreme Sports Enthusiast”)
traits.equip_trait trait_worldlyknowledgeBonus Trait “Worldly Knowledge” (completed Aspiration “Mt. Komorebi Sightseer”)
traits.equip_trait trait_townmascotTurns your Sim into the Town Mascot.
traits.equip_trait trait_hidden_rockclimbinggear_hasgearEquips Rock Climbing Gear on your Sim (hidden trait)

Lifestyle Cheats

There are two ways to get up to three Lifestyle traits for your Sim – or get rid of them, too: Either you use one of the cheats in our list directly to get the Lifestyle you want for your Sim or you remove an active Lifestyle by replacing the word “equip” with “remove” in the cheat to this Lifestyle.

Or you activate your cheat console, type the cheat “testingcheats true” and Shift-Leftclick your sim (or hover over them and press X+O or A+B depending on your console type) afterwards. Use the “Cheat Sim Info” menu to add or remove a Lifestyle.

Adrenaline Seekertraits.equip_trait trait_lifestyles_adrenalineseeker
Close Knittraits.equip_trait trait_lifestyles_closeknit
Coffee Fanatictraits.equip_trait trait_lifestyles_coffeefanatic
Energetictraits.equip_trait trait_lifestyles_energetic
Frequent Travelertraits.equip_trait trait_lifestyles_frequenttraveler
Health Food Nuttraits.equip_trait trait_lifestyles_healthfoodnut
Hungry for Lovetraits.equip_trait trait_lifestyles_hungryforlove
Junk Food Fiendtraits.equip_trait trait_lifestyles_junkfooddevourer
Indoorsytraits.equip_trait trait_lifestyles_indoorsy
Outdoorsytraits.equip_trait trait_lifestyles_outdoorsy
People Persontraits.equip_trait trait_lifestyles_networker
Sedentarytraits.equip_trait trait_lifestyles_sedentary
Single and Loving ittraits.equip_trait trait_lifestyles_noneedforromance
Techietraits.equip_trait trait_lifestyles_techie
Technophobetraits.equip_trait trait_lifestyles_technophobe
Workaholictraits.equip_trait trait_lifestyles_workaholic

Spa Day Cheats

stats.set_skill_level major_wellness 10Sets the Wellness skill to maximum level 10.
traits.equip_trait highmaintenanceSim Trait High Maintenance (Create-a-Sim)
traits.equip_trait calmingauraBonus Trait Calming Aura (completed Aspiration “Zen-Guru”)
traits.equip_trait clearperspectiveBonus Trait Clear Perspective (completed Aspiration “Inner Peace”)
traits.equip_trait selfcareexpertiseBonus Trait Self-Care Expertise (completed Aspiration “Self-Care Specialist”
traits.equip_trait steamDeath by steam in the sauna

Star Wars – Journey to Batuu Cheats

bucks.update_bucks_by_amount 51201 XGives Amount X of Galactic Credits to your sim.
cas.unlockbytag GP09Unlocks all Batuu clothes if you use this in the cheat console while in Create a Sim mode.
traits.equip_trait heroicpresenceHeroic Presence (completed Aspiration “Paragon of Hope”)
traits.equip_trait sleightofhandSleight of Hand (completed Aspiration “Galactic Privateer”)
traits.equip_trait supremeauthoritySupreme Authority (completed Aspiration “Enforcer of Order”)

Get useful free Batuu items

Use “testingcheats true” in the cheat console and Shift+Left-Click on your sim. Select “Batuu Cheats” and “Give Batuu Items” to recieve the following items in your sims inventory: 5 Kyber Crystals, 5 Lightsaber Hilts, 30 Scrap Metal, 10 Dataspikes, 2 Fake ID Cards, First Order Uniform, Resistance Disguide, DL-44 Blaster Pistol, F-11D Blaster Rifle, Jedi Holocron, Comlink, Sith Holocron, Thermal Detonator, TD2.3 Electrobinoculars, Hondo’s Package, First Order Log Files, Information Fragment, Dok-Ondar’s Lost Antiquities, First Order Access Codes, Compiled Batuu Report

Change your Sim’s Faction Reputation

Use “testingcheats true” in the cheat console and Shift+Left-Click on your sim. Select “Batuu Cheats” and “Batuu Reputation”. This allows to change directly every faction’s reputation rank from – 5 up to +5.

Change Faction World State

Use “testingcheats true” in the cheat console and Shift+Left-Click on your sim. Select “Batuu Cheats” and “Faction World States”. This cheat changes the primary faction of a neighbourhood as long as a sim is in that faction. This will be shown in different flags and faction-related townie composition.

Add Rey and Kylo Ren to your Household (and have fun with them!)

Use “testingcheats true” in the cheat console and Shift + Left-Click on Rey and/or Kylo Ren. Select the “Add to family” option to add them to your active sim’s household. After this you’ll be able to romance them like any other sim. This cheat works with every sim on Batuu, too.

If you want to get some more steam into your journey to Batuu, you’ll be able to WooHoo with Rey in a Resistance tent, but there’s no such possibility in the First Order District. Kylo Ren looses his stylish dark side outfit if he leaves this neighbourhood, so you’ll have to cheat a bit to make a WooHoo option possible: Open the cheat console once more and use “bb.enablefreebuild” to freely access build mode on Batuu. Then add a WooHoo possibility like a bush, shower, pile of leaves, closet or anything else to the District. Now you’re ready to have a dark side romance with Kylo!

StrangerVille Cheats

traits.equip_trait strangerville_infectedSim is infected by the StrangerVille spores.
Gtraits.equip_trait strangerville_vaccinatedSim is vaccinated against the StrangerVille spores.
careers.promote militaryPromotion in the Military career.
traits.equip_trait paranoidParanoid (Trait)
traits.equip_trait HeroOfStrangerVilleHero of StrangerVille (completed Aspration “StrangerVille Mystery”)

Vampires Cheats

General Cheats

stats.set_skill_level vampirelore 15Sets Vampire Lore skill to maximum level 15.
stats.set_skill_level Major_PipeOrgan 10Sets Pipe Organ skill to maximum level 10.
traits.equip_trait trait_OccultVampireTransforms your active sim instantly into a Vampire.
tats.set_stat commodity_BecomingVampire 2160Transforms your active sim within three days into a Vampire.
traits.equip_trait RegainedHumanityRegained Humanity (completed Aspiration “Good Vampire”)
traits.equip_trait TheMasterI am the Master (completed Aspiration “Vampire Family”)
traits.equip_trait TrueMasterA True Master (completed Aspiration “Master Vampire”)
traits.equip_trait Vampire_SunDeath by Sunlight (Vampires only)

Cheats for Vampire Ranks and Vampire Powers

Once your Sim has become a Vampire, he will gain experience points by using Vampire Powers, bloodsucking and dueling other Vampires to increase his rank within Vampire Society and unlock new Vampire Skills. This is very time consuming for higher ranks – but the following Cheats will shorten this process significantly!

Vampire Rank Cheats

stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 202Minor Vampire
stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 630Prime Vampire
stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1058Master Vampire
stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1486Grand Master Vampire
stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1593Maxes out the rank bar and grants your sim 2 power points.

To cheat Vampire Powers for a Sim, the Sim must be at least a “Fledgling”. Pay attention to the interaction between the different Vampire Powers when cheating. As with Sim traits, certain Vampire Powers are mutually exclusive and cannot be used simultaneously.

  • For Vampire Powers Cheats you need the ID of the Sim you want to use. You can get this ID with the cheat “sims.get_sim_id_by_name first name last name”. Note the corresponding sequence of numbers for all following cheat codes and insert it at the value “SimID”.

All Vampire Power Cheats

Vampire PowerVampire RankCheat
Detect PersonalityFledglingbucks.unlock_perk DetectPersonality true 40961 SimID
Bat FormFledglingbucks.unlock_perk BatForm true 40961 SimID
Cast HallucinationFledglingbucks.unlock_perk Hallucinate true 40961 SimID
Eternally WelcomeFledglingbucks.unlock_perk AlwaysWelcome true 40961 SimID
Occult StudentFledglingbucks.unlock_perk PotentPower_3 true 40961 SimID
Vampiric CharmeMinor Vampirebucks.unlock_perk AlluringVisage_3 true 40961 SimID
Vampiric StrengthMinor Vampirebucks.unlock_perk VampiricStrength_Level3 true 40961 SimID
CommandMinor Vampirebucks.unlock_perk Command true 40961 SimID
Garlic ImmunityMinor Vampirebucks.unlock_perk GarlicImmunity true 40961 SimID
Vampire CreationMinor Vampirebucks.unlock_perk VampireCreation true 40961 SimID
MesmerizePrime Vampirebucks.unlock_perk Mesmerize true 40961 SimID
Child of the MoonPrime Vampirebucks.unlock_perk NocturnalAffinity_Level3 true 40961 SimID
Irresistible SlumberPrime Vampirebucks.unlock_perk IrresistibleSlumber true 40961 SimID
Manipulate Life SpiritPrime Vampirebucks.unlock_perk ManipulateLifeSpirit true 40961 SimID
Vampiric SlumberPrime Vampirebucks.unlock_perk VampiricSlumber_Level3 true 40961 SimID
Dampened EmotionsMaster Vampirebucks.unlock_perk EmotionalDampening_Level3 true 40961 SimID
Supernatural SpeedMaster Vampirebucks.unlock_perk VampireRun true 40961 SimID
Deprive NeedsMaster Vampirebucks.unlock_perk NeedsNaughtiness true 40961 SimID
Sun ResistanceMaster Vampirebucks.unlock_perk ResistanceSolis_Level3 true 40961 SimID
OdorlessMaster Vampirebucks.unlock_perk LoseHumanity_Hygiene true 40961 SimID
Influence EmotionGrand Master Vampirebucks.unlock_perk EmotionalBurst_3 true 40961 SimID
Mist FormGrand Master Vampirebucks.unlock_perk MistForm true 40961 SimID
Beyond the HerdGrand Master Vampirebucks.unlock_perk LoseHumanity_Social true 40961 SimID
Tamed ThirstGrand Master Vampirebucks.unlock_perk TameTheThirst true 40961 SimID
Immortal PleasuresGrand Master Vampirebucks.unlock_perk LoseHumanity_Fun true 40961 SimID
Remove all weaknesses but keep the rest of your Vampire Powers.bucks.lock_all_perks_for_bucks_type 40962 SimID false
Refund Vampire Power points and reset the power board.bucks.lock_all_perks_for_bucks_type 40961 SimID true