Pick the perfect gear

Pathfinder: Kingmaker Items – Weapons, Relics & more

Status: Released
Release: 25.09.2018
Game version: incl. DLCs: The Wildcards Varnhold's Lot Beneath the Stolen Lands

Where do you find the best items, relics and artifacts in Pathfinder: Kingmaker? Plan your party with this guide.


In this article we tell you

  • Which are the best magical and unique items  and where to find them
  • Which relics or artifacts can be found
  • Where you can find the relic fragments

In Pathfinder: Kingmaker, the power of your heroes depends heavily on the items they are equipped with. Depending on which weapons or armor you prefer, you can skill talents that unlock additional bonuses (such as weapon focus or weapon specialization). Knowing in advance which type of weapon or armor to use best will help a lot. In addition, many items have special abilities that help a character with specific tasks, such as bonuses on tricks (open locks, disarm traps).

Very special items are so-called relics (also known as artifacts). You will always find fragments of relic items on your travels. Once you’ve found all fragments of a relic, go to the storyteller (waiting in your throne room) and let him assemble the item and tell you the story.


Below we have listed all important items and relics as well as their features. We are currently in the third act, but have taken additional information from Christopher Gerlach’s (Unikatze) extensive collection. We will be updating items from the following acts soon. Regarding the relics we have a lot of information from Galen’s Google-Sheet. Again we would like to thank for the helpful collection of information.

We’ll update this guide over time with more information as we progress in the game. We apologize for any inaccuracies or translation errors.

  • Note: We have also added magical items to the list with a minimum bonus of +2. Items with a +1 bonus are only included in the list if they have additional attributes. All items have been sorted first by type and then by the highest general bonus.

List of magic and unique items & their locations


AV = Armor Class
DC = Difficulty Class
DR = Damage Reduction


Melee Weapons & Shields

One-handed melee weapons

NameTypeBonusMapLocation / Requirements
Flaming Bastard Sword +1Bastard Sword+1
Arcane ProtectorDagger+1
+3 to dodge
Immunity to nauseated
Bridge over Gudrin RiverHidden in Bandit Camp
Lone HouseBartholomew Delgado (if you killed him)
Chaos ShardDagger+2
Candlemere TowerCorpse on the way to the tower
Swordsman’s PassionDueling Sword+2
Swamp Witch’s HutBehind the Owlbears
Lord ProtectorDueling Sword+2Stag Lord’s FortReward, if the Stag Lord is defeated within one month
Womb of LamashtuLocked chest in western room
Frost Falchion +1Falchion+1
Shrine of LamashtuHidden in southwestern corner
Shock Greatsword +1Greatsword+1
Womb of LamashtuChest in central northern room
Mallet of WoeHeavy Mace+3
Freedom of movement
Dwarven RuinsHargulka
SkullcrusherHeavy Mace+2
Heavy Blow
Talon PeakBehind the secret door
Shock Frost Heavy Mace +1Heavy Mace+1
Dwarven RuinsRoom near southern exit
Talon of the WiseKama+2Lake Silverstep VillageCorpse in the southeast corner of the map
Mother’s CareKukri+2
Goblin FortHidden and locked chest
Keen Kukri +1Kukri+1
Ratnook HillWerrat
Keen Longsword +1Longsword+1
Dwarven RuinsSouthwestern room
Cold Iron Longsword +1Longsword+1
Cold Iron
Womb of LamashtuCorpse near Enlarged Treantlike Owlbear
Shock Sai +1Sai+1
Ratnook HillWerrat
SlicerScimitar+2Lake Silverstep VillageChest near Cyclop’s Tomb
Scimitar +2Scimitar+2Technic League Hideout (Companion quest Octavia and Regongar: Cruel Justice)Quite at the beginning on a Fighter of the Technic League
Agile Shortsword +2Shortsword+2
Dragonleaf GulchCorpse in the northeastern corner
Bound Thunder Trident+1
Lightning Bolt 1/day
Lizardfolk VillageLizardfolk King
Noble HammerWarhammer+3Candlemere TowerLocked box past the cave
Soot-Blackened Hammer??Dwarven RuinsRoom near southern exit
Flaming Bastard Sword +1, well suited for Valerie. © Owlcat Games

Two-handed melee weapons

NameTypeBonusMapLocation / Requirements
Flaming Earth Braker +2Earth Braker+2
Bridge over Gudrin RiverCorpse in Crag Linnorm’s Cave
Keen Elven Curve Blade +1Elven Curve Blade+1
Empty Skull RockHidden box inside northern cave
Animal Bane
Goblin VillageBarrel at hut in the northwest
KneesplitterGiant Bane+2
Heavy Pick
Hunting GroundsHidden in locked area near Wyverns
Glaive +2Glaive+2
Bald StonesGreater Nightmare
Second ExecutionGreataxe+1
Undead Bane
Lonely BarrowChest in room with Lone Warrior Skeleton
Ruined WatchtowerChest in tower
The CrusherGreatclub+2
Quest: Troll Troubles
Greatclub +2Greatclub+2Saint Galvan’s GulletCyclops
Greatsword +1Greatsword+1
Dwarven RuinsHidden treasure near Kobold Artist
Lonely BarrowGreater Skeletal Champion Berserker
Javelin +2Javelin+2Womb of LamashtuRoom with spiders, east of entrance
Ginormous SwordLarge Bastard Sword+1
Chilly MidnightSickle+3
1d4 Dexterity damage on hit (DC 17 on Fortitude)
Dappled QuagmireChest near Hydra at the center of the map
Two-Handed Mace +2Two-Handed Mace+2Stag Lord’s FortAuchs
Two-handed axe Trollreaper, very powerful in Amiri’s hands. © Owlcat Games


NameTypeBonusMapLocation / Requirements
Ancestral Dwarven Shield Heavy Shield+2
2 Damage Reduction
Candlemere TowerChest in the eastern upper area
Light Shield +2Light Shield+2Wilderness ClearingHendric
Lake Silverstep VillageCache east of the eastern house
Protector of the Unjust?+2
+2 AC against lawful or good characters
Lone HomeBandit leader
FlameguardTower Shield+1
+3 on reflex saving throws
+10 fire resistance
-2 on attack rolls
Ancestral Dwarven Shield: Fits Harrim perfectly. © Owlcat Games

Ranged weapons

Two-handed ranged weapons

NameTypeBonusMapLocation / Requirements
Devourerer of MetalComposite Longbow+1
Dwarven RuinsHidden and locked in a room near moon dial
Savage BowComposite Longbow+1
Aspect of the Falcon 3/day
Stag Lord’s FortStag Lord
Lucky LongbowComposite Longbow+1
The luck of the draw
Monster DenCorpse near Wyvern
Shock Light Crossbow +1Light Crossbow+1
Dwarven RuinsHidden treasure
Ekundayo can perfectly handle the Savage Bow. © Owlcat Games

Armor & Cloaks


NameTypeBonusMapLocation / Requirements
Expert’s HatHat+1 to all skill checks
Oleg’s OutpostFirst floor, chest next to bed
Professor’s HatHatWearable bag of holding
+2 to all skill checks
Bridge over Gudrin RiverCorpse in Crag Linnorm’s Cave
Headband of Vast Intelligence +4Headband+4 IntelligenceLone HouseBartholomew Delgado (if you kill him)
Headband of Vast Intelligence +2Headband+2 IntelligenceTechnic League EncampmentKalannah
Ratnook HillWerrat
Dwarven RuinsHidden treasure
Headband of Inspired Wisdom +4Headband+4 WisdomWomb of LamashtuLocked chest in room with Spiders, east of entrance
Headband of Inspired Wisdom 2Headband+2 WisdomOld Sycamore CavesHidden chamber
Dwarven RuinsRoom with statues and Kobold Teacher
Headband of Alluring Charisma +4Headband+4 CharismaDwarven RuinsTartuk
Ironstone GullyBox in northwestern corner
Phylaktery of Positive ChannelingHeadband+2d6 damage / healing while channeling positive energySwamp Witch’s HutFree Wilbur the Spectre
Stubborn HeadHelmet+3 AC
+3 Dexterity
+4 Saves against Death
Goblin FortGoblin King
Stag HelmetHelmet+1 to attack rolls against flat footed and flanked targetsStag Lord’s FortStag Lord
Helmet of Battlefield ClarityHelmet+2 to will saves
+2 to attack rolls, if the wearer uses the Combat Expertise Feat
Priests love the Phylaktery of Positive Energy. © Owlcat Games


Banded Mail +3Banded Mail+3 ACWomb of LamashtuRoom with large Flower
Banded Mail +2Banded Mail+2 ACSix Bears CampPariah Quest: Fionn
Heart of ValorBreastplate+2 AC
+4 saving throws against fear
Dwarven RuinsChest in the south
Breastplate +2Breastplate+2 ACRuined WatchtowerRuined Watchtower: Chest in Tower
Assassin’s ChainshirtChainmail+4 AC
+4 to critical confirmation roll
Tenacious MarshCorpse
Chainmail +2Chainmail+2 ACDwarven RuinsChest in room with spiders
Lonely BarrowSouthern Crypt
Lake Silverstep VillageIvar
Silverstep GroveIvar
Blessed PathFull Plate+2 AC
+2 Wisdom
+2 Charisma
+4 saves against compulsion and poison effects
+2/day Smite Evil, if worn by a paladin
Only wearable by good characters
Dwarven RuinsSolve the Sun-Moon-Puzzle
Full Plate +2Full Plate+2 ACCandlemere TowerTo the right of the entrance to upper area
Half Plate +2Half Plate+2 ACBridge over Gudrin RiverTrapped chest past the Tazylwyrms
Hide Armor +3Hide Armor+3 ACDwarven RuinsJazon
Saint Galvan’s GulletCyclops
Hide Armor +2Hide Armor+2 ACStag Lord’s FortNugrah
Leather Armor +2Leather Armor+2 ACRatnook HillWerrat
Swamp Witch’s HutCorpse in hidden western area
Bombardier’s VestLeather Armor+1 AC
+2 to attack rolls with bombs or similar weapons
Ratnook HillWerrat
Padded Armor +2Padded Armor+2 ACDragonleaf GulchCorpse in northeastern corner
Robe of EarthRobe+2 DC to acid spellsCandlemere TowerHidden box near the boat
Robe of AirRobe+2 DC bonus to electricity spellsGoblin FortBox near first Prisoner’s Cage
Robe of WaterRobe+2 DC to cold spellsLonely BarrowEastern Room
Scale Mail +2Scale Mail+2 ACWilderness ClearingHendric
Vest of Hundred PocketsStudded Armor+2 AC
+5 Trickery
Goblin FortLocked box Southwest of Goblin King’s Court
Studded Leather Armor +2Studded Leather Armor+2 ACRuined WatchtowerCorpse in the southwest
Mithral breastplate: Heart of Valor. © Owlcat Games


NameBonusMapLocation / Requirements
Wyvern Skin Cloak+2 Natural armor
+4 Saving throws against poison, sleep and paralysis
Bald HilltopQuest: An Ancient Curse
Cloak of Resistance +2+2 on all saving throwsLone HouseBartholomew Delgado (if you kill him)
Swamp Witch’s HutReward, if you set Dorsy the Ghoul free
Secluded LodgeSecond Floor, behind locked door
Swamp RuinsDevourer
Cloak of Winter Veil+1 to all saving throws
+10 cold resistance
Stag Lord’s FortStag Lord
Cloak of Shadows+10 to all Stealth skill checks
Immune to blindness and dazzling
Lizardfolk VillageOutside village, hidden chest near Monitor Lizards
Cloak of HeroismHeroism 1/day??
Provides protection: The Wyvern Skin Cloak. © Owlcat Games


NameBonusMapLocation / Requirements
Trapspringer’s Gloves+5 Trickery??
Gloves of Dueling?Swamp Witch’s HutNorth of Scythe Tree in a poison cloud
Soot-Blackened Gloves?Dwarven RuinsKargadd
With the Trapspringer’s Gloves on, we can disarm any trap. © Owlcat Games


NameBonusMapLocation / Requirements
Bracers of Armor +5+5 ACHilltop Trail, Other WorldCorpse in Other World
Bracer’s of Armor +4+4 ACGoblin FortBox near drunk Goblins
Womb of LamashtuLocked chest in southeastern room
Empty Skull RockHidden box inside northern cave
Bracers of Armor +3+3 ACDwarven RuinsChest in Furnace Room
Bracers of Archery+2 on attack rolls with a bow
+1 on damage rolls
Stag Lord’s FortStag Lord
Lone HouseWizard’s Laboratory, chest in secret room
Gear’s Rule+1 to attack rolls with bombs (+2 at level 12)
+2 to saving throws against mind-affecting, death, paralysis, disease, stun, poison effects
Resists Fatigue for 8 hours past the usual limit
Immune to fatigue and Exhaustion at level 20
Damage of bombs is calculated as if the owner is an alchemist of 2 levels higher
+1 Save DCs
Focusing Surge
Technic League Hideout (Companion Quest Octavia and Regongar: Cruel Justice)Locked Chest in Janush’s Storeroom (DC: Trickery 43)
Aim better with the bracers of archery. © Owlcat Games


NameBonusMapLocation / Requirements
Belt of Physical Perfection +2+2 Strength
+2 Dexterity
+2 Constitution
Ruined WatchtowerTorag’s Statue
Belt of Physical Might +4+4 Strength
+4 Constitution
Dwarven RuinsHargulka
Belt of Physical Might +2+2 Strength
+2 Constitution
Dwarven RuinsKargadd
Belt of Physical Form +4+4 Dexterity
+4 Constitution
Goblin FortShaman in the Sothwest
Womb of LamashtuChest in one of the eastern rooms
Belt of Physical Form +2+2 Dexterity
+2 Constitution
Silverstep GroveIvar
Belt of Giant Strength +4+4 StrengthSwamp RuinsDevourer
Belt of Giant Strength +2+2 StrengthOld OakTroll
Belt of Incredible Dexterity +4+4 DexterityGoblin VillageHidden sack west of Goblin Merchant
Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2+2 DexterityOld Sycamore CavesSootscale
Ratnook HillWerratte
Dwarven RuinsKobold Flame Shaman
Belt of Mighty Constitution +2+2 ConstitutionStag Lord’s FortAuchs
Lone HouseBandit leader
Belt of Mighty Constitution +4+4 ConstitutionLonely BarrowSecret room at the end of the southwestern corridor
We like to see the belt of the perfect body on our hero. © Owlcat Games


NameBonusMapLocation / Requirements
Boots of Elvenkind+5 MobilityStag Lord’s FortStag Lord
Swiftfoot Boots+10 Movement speedSix Bears CampFionn (Pariah Quest)
Swiftfoot Boots are a good idea for magicians, so they can run away quickly… © Owlcat Games



NameTypeBonusMapLocation / Requirements
Amulet of Natural Armor +3Amulet+3 ACSwamp RuinsDevourer
Amulet of Natural Armor +2Amulet+2 ACLone HouseBandit
Dwarven RuinsGreater Trollhound
Ancient MineAncient Wyvern
Lake Silverstep VillageCache near southwestern house
Saint Galvan’s GulletCyclops
The Nymph’s GiftAmulet+2 AC against ranged attacksQuest-Reward Guardian of the Bloom
The Heart of IraAmuletImmune to fatigue and exhaustion
Can activate aura, dealing 2d6 damage per round
Enemies inside the aura have to succeed on a reflex throw (DC 17) to not becoming fatigued
VarnholdCart in the northwest
Amulet of Agile FistsAmulet?Lone HouseNext to Trader’s corpse
Amulet of Mighty Fists +2Amulet?Saint Galvan’s GulletHidden cache inside the cave
Ring of Protection +2Ring+2 ACSwamp Witch’s HutNear werewolves in the east
Dwarven RuinsTartuk
Saint Galvan’s GulletCyclops
Swamp RuinsDevourer
Ring of LuckRing+1 to all saving throwsDwarven RuinsTartuk
Lonely BarrowRoom with Lonely Warrior
Energy SourceRing2 additional Channel Energy per dayGoblin FortBox in the eastern part of the Fort
Paragon of WinterRingCold Resistance 30 and vulnerability to fire for wearer and his summonsGoblin FortShaman in the southwest
Shelyn’s EmbraceRingTeleports Linzi to a safe location should she fall in battleLinzi
Beautiful jewellery like The Heart of Ira not only delights our heroines. © Owlcat Games

Special bonuses explained

Some of the bonuses in the lists above have special effects.

  • Corrosive: +1d6 acid damage
  • Flaming: +1d6 fire damage
  • Frost: +1d6 cold damage
  • Shock: +1d6 elctricity damage
  • Heavy Blow: Stuns for 1d4 rounds at critical hit
  • Agile: A wielder with the Weapon Finesse Feat can choose to apply his Dexterity modifier to damage rolls instead of the Strength modifier (if higher).
  • Confusion: Chance to confuse enemy on hit
  • Furious: When the wielder is raging or under the effect of a rage spell, the weapon’s enhancement bonus is +2 higher than normal
  • Keen: Doubles the threat range
  • Oversized: -2 to attack rolls
  • Animal Bane: +2 attack rolls and +2d6 damage against animals
  • Undead Bane: +2 attack rolls and +2d6 damage against undead
  • Cold Iron: prevents regeneration
  • Composite: Strength bonus is added to bow damage
  • Mithral: Extra strong, extra light
  • Focusing Surge: Once per day gain Fast Healing and Immunity to poison, death effects, paralysis, stun, disease for 5 rounds (10 rounds at level 16), adds the effects of Targeted Bomb Admixture extract
  • The luck of the draw: x4 critical multiplier

List of artifacts & locations of the corresponding fragments

  • Note: This list only includes relics that the storyteller can transform into wearable items, so called artifacts. Relics and fragments that “only” give experience and gold are not listed here.

We have taken some of the information from this list from Galen’s Relic Fragments datasheet. Missing translations or further information will be updated as soon as we find the relevant items in in-game.

Necklace of Double Crosses


  • +4 Trickery
  • +4 Stealth
  • +4 Mobility
  • +2d6 Sneak Attack
  • Allies provoke Attack on Opportunity when moving through a square you threaten

Locations of Fragments

Name of FragmentMapLocation
Scorched Fragment of a NecklaceAncient TombCorpse of a Guard of Tartuccio
Scorched Fragment of a NecklaceThorn FordTwig pile near river west of Kressle
Scorched Fragment of a NecklaceOld SycamoreCorpse near kobold entrance
Scorched Fragment of a NecklaceOld Sycamore CavesTop level, rock pile in the lower left corner above the mine cart
Scorched Fragment of a NecklaceOld Sycamore CavesBottom level, pile of stones near bug corpse in top right corner
Scorched Fragment of a NecklaceThree-Pine IsletLittle tombstone on island
Scorched Fragment of a NecklaceTrail in the HillsDebris in the Southeast corner

Ring of Reckless Courage


  • +4 Charisma
  • +4 Stealth
  • +4 Trickery
  • +4 Critical Confirmation
  • +2 DC Mind-Affecting Spells
  • -2 Wisdom
  • -4 Perception
  • -2 Will
  • -10 Saving Throw against Traps
  • On Receive Critical Hit Confusion for 1d4 turns

Locations of Fragments

Name of FragmentMapLocation
Melted Shard of a RingBridge over Gudrin RiverNortheastern part of the map, near the Goblin Prince or pack of Wolves, depending on story progress
Melted Shard of a RingBridge over Gudrin RiverNear the northwestern entrance
Melted Shard of a RingWolf LairLittle box on the ridge
Melted Shard of a RingLonely BarrowBody in first chamber
Melted Shard of a RingHunting GroundsHydra, a little southeast of the center of the map
Melted Shard of a RingHunting GroundsChest in the northeastern corner of the map, southwest of where the Embeth Travellers fight Wyvern
Melted Shard of a RingHunting GroundsPrimal Fly Trap in the northeastern corner of the map
Melted Shard of a RingGoblin VillageRubble on a hill
Melted Shard of a RingGoblin FortCrate next to prisoner’s cage, near fort entrance
Melted Shard of a RingGoblin FortGoblin Commando, upper part of goblin fort
Melted Shard of a RingWomb of LamashtuPrimal Giant Spider Matriarch, western door before Other World Portal
Melted Shard of a RingShrine of LamashtuTo the left of the crossroads
Melted Shard of a RingDragonleaf GulchPile of rubble next to the Fly Trap

Trailblazer’s Helm


  • 2 DR of Ranged Attacks
  • 10 DR of Falling or Thrown Rocks
  • Cast Good Hope and Crushing Despair 1/Day
  • +3 Dodge Bonus to AC against Giants & Goblinoid Subtypes
  • +3 Insight Bonus to Saves

Locations of Fragments

Name of FragmentMapLocation
Dwarven Helm ShardRuined WatchtowerTop of the cliff in the upper right corner
Dwarven Helm ShardRuined WatchtowerHidden chest in the northwest corner
Dwarven Helm ShardRuined WatchtowerHidden under a rock near the bottom of the center bridge
Dwarven Helm ShardLone HouseUpper right corner
Dwarven Helm ShardDwarven Ruins EntranceBox
Dwarven Helm ShardDwarven Ruins EntranceChest
Dwarven Helm ShardDwarven Ruins Top Floor, chest in room with Kargadd
Dwarven Helm ShardDwarven Ruins Top Floor, chest next to Nagrundi, near top right entrance to lower level
Dwarven Helm ShardDwarven RuinsBottom Floor under floor stone next to the fire in the room with the glowing symbol
Dwarven Helm ShardDwarven Ruins Bottom Floor, northern corner of the map, underneath a hidden stone

Forest Knight’s Bracers


  • When wearer would become Shaken, +2 Morale Bonus to Attack Rolls, Saving Throws & Skill Checks for same duration as shaken effect & remove shaken
  • When wearer would become Frightened or Confused replace condition with Hideous Laughter for equal duration
  • Cast Freedom of Movement 1 Minute 1/Day
  • When hit by monster of the Fey subtype, frighten monster for 1d4 rounds, will save to negate

Locations of Fragments

Name of FragmentMapLocation
Shard of Knights’ BracersFord Across the Skunk RiverHidden cache in wall near the river
Shard of Knights’ BracersRuined WatchtowerChest to the west of the stone bridge
Shard of Knights’ BracersLone HouseBandit on the western side
Shard of Knights’ BracersSwamp Witch’s HutNorthwest corner of the map
Shard of Knights’ BracersHodag LairHidden pile of twigs, eastern side of map
Shard of Knights’ BracersLizardfolk VillageLocked chest in Chieftain’s Hut
Shard of Knights’ BracersHunting GroundsGiant Fly Trap, to the left of the centre of the map
Shard of Knights’ BracersGoblin FortHidden crate at the wall, eastern part of the map
Shard of Knights’ BracersWomb of LamashtuRoom with Redcap and Giant Spiders

Cloak of Sold Souls


  • -4 Constitution
  • +2 Caster Level for Necromany and Summoning Subtype Spells
  • +2 DC for Necromancy Spells
  • Vampiric Touch 3/Day
  • to unequip: Remove Curse DC 25 (if failed instantly kill character and summon a
  • Thanadaemon or an Astradaemon if character is level 20)

Locations of Fragments

Name of FragmentMapLocation
Ancient Scrap of Script-Covered LeatherLost BarrowSarcophagus behind southwestern side door
Ancient Scrap of Script-Covered LeatherLost BarrowSame room as above, southern Sarcophagus
Ancient Scrap of Script-Covered LeatherOvergrown CavernSmall rock to the left of the entrance
Ancient Scrap of Script-Covered LeatherVarnholdBox next to western house, south of river
Ancient Scrap of Script-Covered LeatherVarnhold FortInside the house, in a box in the first storage room to the left of the first trap in the second corridor
Ancient Scrap of Script-Covered LeatherVarnhold FortInside the house, in a box in the second storage room to the left of the second trap in the second corridor
Ancient Scrap of Script-Covered LeatherKellid Barbarian CampCorpse in the left ravine near the entrance
Ancient Scrap of Script-Covered LeatherSepulcher of Forgotten HeroesBehind the red door in the east
Ancient Scrap of Script-Covered LeatherSepulcher of Forgotten HeroesNorthern Room with blue timed Switch
Ancient Scrap of Script-Covered LeatherCity of Hollow EyesCorpse in the northwestern ruins
Ancient Scrap of Script-Covered LeatherCity of Hollow EyesDread Zombie Cyclops in the northwestern Ruins
Ancient Scrap of Script-Covered LeatherGates to the Valley of the DeadBeyond the Gate of the Dead
Ancient Scrap of Script-Covered LeatherVordakai’s TombPast the crow who asks for a companion’s name
Ancient Scrap of Script-Covered LeatherVordakai’s TombWestern exit of the room with Soul Eaters and a giant undead Cyclops
Ancient Scrap of Script-Covered LeatherVordakai’s TombBasement, first western corridor out of the oil pit
Ancient Scrap of Script-Covered LeatherVordakai’s TombBasement, in the room with Willas Gunderson, perception check on sarcophagus

Tiger’s Stripes

Hide (?)

  • +5 AC (?)
  • Become a Smilodon at will (as per Beast Shape IV) 1 minute/level
  • +5 enhancement to weapons while in Smilodon form

Locations of Fragments

Name of FragmentMapLocation
Leather Scrap covered in Ancient RunesSwamp RuinsNear entrance
Leather Scrap covered in Ancient RunesSwamp RuinsFerocious Devourer
Leather Scrap covered in Ancient RunesTenacious MarchEast of Acid Slug
Leather Scrap covered in Ancient RunesVerdant ChambersSoutheast of the rubble, southeast of the stairs
Leather Scrap covered in Ancient RunesAbandoned KeepFirst room to the left as you exit the library to the west
Leather Scrap covered in Ancient RunesFossil FieldsSorcerer Medusa on river bank
Leather Scrap covered in Ancient RunesDesecrated Cairntreasure pile
Leather Scrap covered in Ancient RunesArmag’s TombCorpse of a Barbarian in the eastern corridor of the ice maze
Leather Scrap covered in Ancient RunesArmag’s TombSoutheast exit to lower level, crate in the north of that room
Leather Scrap covered in Ancient RunesArmag’s TombBasement, chest in the southwest corner of the room to the east of the solitary iron golem
Leather Scrap covered in Ancient RunesArmag’s TombBasement, chest in the very center of the map, hidden door on the eastern edge
Leather Scrap covered in Ancient RunesArmag’s TombBasement, pile of bones in the southeast of the hidden door mentioned above
Leather Scrap covered in Ancient RunesArmag’s TombHidden crate in Zoreks room, southwest of the stone king on a throne
Leather Scrap covered in Ancient RunesArmag’s TombChest on western wall in Armag’s room
Leather Scrap covered in Ancient RunesArmag’s TombBasement, hidden in the eastern room, north of the hidden door
Leather Scrap covered in Ancient RunesArmag’s Tomb (?)?
Leather Scrap covered in Ancient RunesRill and SpillLady of Shallows, Portal room

Star Commander’s Gloves


  • +8 Strength
  • Shoot a laser (ranged touch attack) dealing 4d6 damage at will

Locations of Fragments

Name of FragmentMapLocation
Piece of SkymetalDappled QuagmireSoutheast
Piece of SkymetalDappled QuagmireChest in the north
Piece of SkymetalAbandoned KeepRoom with Nyrissa, Defaced Sister and Remus
Piece of SkymetalVerdant ChambersEither climb onto battlements, then use tree to get down
or jump across the gorge to the east of the entrance
Piece of SkymetalRaspberry GullyCorpse of Druid on the eastern side
Piece of SkymetalCharred RuinsSkillfully-made Iron Golem
Piece of SkymetalGnawed RocksGargoyle Edritch Chieftan
Piece of SkymetalArmag’s TombBone pile in room with the Ferocious Devourer
Piece of SkymetalOrnate RuinsGolden Golem
Piece of SkymetalGiggling HillCorpse in the northeastern corner
Piece of SkymetalPitax Royal PalaceGaetane
Piece of SkymetalPitax Royal PalaceFirst room to the left after Gaetane’s room
Piece of SkymetalPitax Royal PalaceEastern corner, second room of the end of the hallway
Piece of SkymetalPitax Portsoutheastern corner, on the docks
Piece of SkymetalMiddle of NowhereCorpse in the southwestern corner
Piece of SkymetalThe MenagerieCrate in the northern cavern